Boy, This Party Really Died

128  2019-04-16 by JuulSantana

Berlin post 1945 was in better shape than this place


plastic bag convention

Not to mention the insufferable boring ass posters that came out of the woodwork once this shit went down. It's crazy just how many people came here for Beefer threads and confessing their love for Chip Chipperson. Fucking snoozefest

10% of the people here provide good content, the rest just wait for a joke to pile in on."LOL HERE'S A BLACK GUY AND A WHITE GUY, IT JUST BE OPIE AND ANTHONY!!!!"

it's middle aged truckers with WOW stickers on their refrigerator who play jocktober on repeat

It's the same shit every couple of months. There's some story that gets everyone excited, like Sue, People's Court, Opie's firing, Danny posting bullshit, 6'1", etc. They autistically run jokes into the ground for a month, it ends somehow or people get bored with it. Then fags complain for a month about how the sub is dead and how that makes them cry themselves to sleep every night. Then Beige makes a new documentary that everyone jerks off over and that tides everyone over until one of the Cumias says something dumb again and then the cycle begins again.

For 5 years strong since the show "died".

Even getting blown before the jacuzzi can bore you after a while. Sometimes u just need to divorce the bitch and move onto to a better hoe.

Sometimes to switch it up I like to be the blower instead of the blowee.

Doesn’t this sub have more subscribers now then it did when the show was still on the air? God, they really are obscure nobodies.

undoubtably u/beigefrequency is documenting every thimble of content for his Patrick saga, which will rekindle the spark that OP is yearning for


linger longer

Porsalin posted a Patrick documentree yesterday and all links were removed

I still want to know how Fatrick got those scars

Sometimes the children fight back.

It would be nice if half the sub wasn't banned for blasphemy against our junkie top mod who now operates with a strict "behead those who insult spaceedge" policy.

I really don't get bothered because he's always sucked here. A bunch of my posts have been removed for being off topic (even though they were about people associated with the shows like Big Amy or Alex Jones) while dumbass Beefers and Faggot posts were going up every 2 minutes.

My point is this place has generally been about lazy shitposts with 3 or 4 good posts a day. I don't know why people pretend every few months some golden age of the internet just ended. Just wait it out.

This sub has never had a leader, that's the point. There's no king, no CEO, no commander-in-chief leading the army.

The jobs of the moderators are to clean up obvious spam and bullshit. Not make this a ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME sub solely because they have the power to do so and have literally nothing else going for them in their pathetic junkie lives.

This is how this sub dies. SpaceEdge decided to ban a solid chunk of those content contributors, because his precious fee-fees were hurt.

As long as I'm here this place shall have at least one redeeming quality.


There's a few king of the dipshits potentially running around here.

Deleting shitposts is one thing but banning tons of people for criticizing you after making an extremely provocative mod power move is fucking stupid.

It’s Cumia-esque too which makes it even worse

How many good posters versus how many of them were just the pile on shitposters who saw the new trend was making jokes about him and joined in?

This isn’t just a content drought though.

If he just did it because “I can” or just felt like being a dick because he didn’t like the Patrick stuff we’d at least get it. But he’s handling the whole thing like a dweeb and this place is weirder now

But is the new place really a renaissance?

What new place are you talking about?

You sound like SpaceEdge.

Don't worry, the half of the sub I banned were the BAD posters. Trust that I, an oversensitive smack junkie, would never ban any of the good ones.

I don't know who was banned. If good ones were that sucks. But making the same jokes about Patrick wasn't something I'm going to take a big stand on. There were some funny ones, but then most were the same thing made by people who don't even try to make something original. And not being able to talk about him isn't something I'm going to cry about. He's an idiot but he means nothing to me.

Ok, great, you’re not going to cry about it. But you’re not the only one in this sub and clearly many members were thoroughly entertained by the Fatrick content, myself included. So whether or not you personally care about the content deemed inappropriate, the fact remains that many, many people in this sub had something that provided enjoyment taken away from them for no good reason.

Dont worry I'm still here and will continue the Joe photoshops

See, now Joe photoshopped in history is a funny running joke.

I will never forget this moment

Judging by the subs that exist now, the funny people got banned.

i hope everyone you hold dear to your heart gets bone marrow cancer

Exactly^ People keep saying how we always go through this, but do you really think people want to deal with SpaceEdge? This place has gone through some boring times. But how often have your seen a moderator go out of their own way to blow up their own subreddit?

What's the solution then? I'm dead-ass right now


Like a bunch of nigg- well, you know.....

(Ding Ding Ding)


Fuck SpaceEdge

Honestly, SpaceEdge has done this 3 or 4 times now.

He tries to get us to stop shitposting something, then he gets beat up for a few days. We get distracted, move on to something new, and then somehow forget the mods are extremely gay

I think this time it’s different because of SpaceEdge. The possibility of the sub having any sort of organized fun might always be compromised, because he - or any mod at any time - can just end the fun when they want to. And now we have a mirrored sub that has Joe as a fucking mod?!

We need a new sub, with new rules. A post-O&A sub, that picks up where this left off, and that understands the power of shitposting and the shows long tradition of Jocktober-level trolling.

But none of that is new. We always get stuff shut down when he or another mod get cranky and go on a deletion spree. They did it with Alex Jones and Joe Rogan stuff a month ago.

And honestly, for all the complaints (and I'm no fan of the mods by any means) you get away with way more shit here than you would on most established subreddits besides the MDE one that the jews had shut down. So I'm not going to complain if somebody can't call the writer guy in question a child molester for the 30th time in a afternoon. That was getting boring anyway.

I hear you, but even when the bit is boring; new things grow from it. Technically, the Joe thing got tired long ago from our perspective, but not from Joe’s. These people are driven mad by it, to the point where they reach out to the sub, only to dig themselves deeper and stretch the fun out even more.

I was getting tired of the Pat shit too, and admittedly I was a bit concerned about he and Logan Paul, because (((they))) would’ve listen to them over Joe and might’ve tried to shut us down (or actually pursue legal recourse, if possible). But the constant posting needs to happen, if there is a new sub, because new ideas grow from it and/or new events. Plus, the sub collectively should decide when it’s time to move on.

But we can’t properly do any of this, under the threat of a junkie mod, who decides when the fun is over and bans anyone for disobeying and abusing him, after he’s already made his decision.

Joe is different. He provides new content constantly. He peaked with People's Court, but then he posts a picture of someone who clearly isn't him and says it's him right before jumping out of his first plane. Joe is our Lady Di.

It’s not that they kept calling him a child molester, it’s the creative new ways they found to do it and the new venues they found to do it in. I don’t know about you but I thought it was hilarious to go to Fatrick’s Insta page and see the hundreds of nonsense posts by the bots. That’s original and funny, even if the idea of trolling Fatrick itself was nothing new.

And now we have a mirrored sub that has Joe as a fucking mod?!

joe got banned the mod thing was a bit

Time is a flat circle.

We will raise again.

This sub is like Bobo's penis. Nobody wants it but it can rise at will.

So so so so this forum is kinda like The Matrix?

A bald negro who loves sunglasses is the co-star of the sub.

It's the same shit every couple of months.

This is what I said yesterday, and to /u/JuulSantana. Everyone needs to just relax

Time is a flat circle.

Do you think Joe figured out how to kill the sub by getting to the mod? Or is it just coincidence all of this happened at once?

I don't know, but something happened that got Edge to enforce that new rule. Because Logan Lynn was open season. But he who will not be named gets a pass? Not to mention a mystery mod that has never posted being added? If this is what they wanted, congrats. This place has become visual Ambien.

This place was really popping with original content besides “Faggot” and “Beefer” posts, now all the air has been let out and the sub has been fractured. Will it recover who knows? But as of right now, someone has successfully defanged the sub without getting it shut down. I just find it strange it all happened at once.

We need to band together if we want this sub to continue. We are stronger together than we are apart!

Space_Edge.. joe plays The Edge.. interesting theory


Nah, SpaceEdge whined to the admins and officially had Joe's IntelectualHomosexual account banned after Joe "doxxed" him in r/opienanthony.

Kind of ironic how SpaceEdge allows us to openly talk about Joe, his girlfriend, his daughter, his career, his address, his phone number.

I just find it strange the he who shall not be named stuff is reaching a crescendo and within a week of Joe showing up and posting actively, and one of the mods whose let this stuff go on for more than half a year, to magically put the kibosh on shit posting the evil one, and days later Joe is gone attempting to go out in a blaze of glory. Now the sub is fractured and has been killed without actually shutting it down.

EDIT: u/spaceedge does not allow me to openly talk about this as he has decided to permaban me.

According to RES you are the person I've upvoted the most on this sub, and I hardly ever upvote. RIP. See you in Valhalla, or hell.

Take the Jews, please.

What are you doing to improve it? Nothing? Got it.

Relax, Jim Bob. No one is going to take your beefer posts away. Keep your gigantic gut on the steering wheel and watch the road. Some autistic retard is waiting on you for his Playstation

I like when we were just slamming the scumbags from the show. Now there are too many new characters to keep track of. Patrick who?

I'm afraid to even ask. That whole Patrick thing completely missed me.

this place is fine. just like it ever was. back to normal almost, granted you stop crying so much . you babies are just mad you cant shit on the ground like you were. dont be mad,. fuck off to your safe spaces because this is not one of them anymore. you have about 4 spaces to do that yet you still come crawling back. whats that say about you guys? lol

I don't think I've ever seen you contribute anything funny. In fact I recognise you from another sub. All you ever do is write ridiculously angry posts about how everyone else is a faggot or a retard ruining your subreddit. I guess my point is that whether someone is for or against fat pat hate it doesn't matter, you are absolutely bottom of the barrel and absolutely worthless.

now downvote me like the fucking cowards you are


Will you shut the fuck up? Every single person here hates you

well someone gave silver for that wisdom and I do not think a hater would pay money to do so. Did you get silver for your post?

who cares if some braindead retard was dumb enough to give money to a corporation in your name when there's 20 other extremely attractive successful young bulls hissing while throwing tomatoes at you

No I got gold you cocksucker

You're killing your father with your faggotry.

back off, this aint your show.


It's why I never thought banning Anthony was a good idea from Twitter. We no longer get the fresh influx of BS like we used to.

The thing that sucks the most is that fat homosexual Fatlic Tomrinson has probably chalked this up as a victory.

It is

it just means when people start trying tot ake over a sub with their nonsense i speak up. a voice of the people to afraid to do so. thats all. won't hear a peep from me if you guys fuck off its that simple!


Shut up, stupid

Could be worse. Notre-Dame cathedral is in better shape than the Stern sub.

What'd Joe do to get suspended? u/IntlectualHomosexual is suspended. Wha'happened?

he doxed spaceedge

He was threatening to do it yesterday. Any saucy info in the dox? Is SE a big fat mess? also porsalin got hold of one of SE's classmate from high school and he confirmed that SE's a junkie.

These are true words Juul,

By letting Fatrick say it's "illegal to make fun of him" although he's a self-admitted public figure, He's taking this as a massive win. He's controlling what we can say on the internet, on a freaking comedy subreddit, and he wins.

He's the worst supervillain in this subs history, and this could be the best bit ever.

SpaceEdge let 27,000 of us down when he was here to protect our ability to "be funny" without censorship.

The bit should've ended in court with Fatrick calling Judge Milian "child".

Also, you're right about the sub. Posters calling out Jim for being a worm or Sam for being ugly or dull is just boring at this point. Those jokes have been made thousands of times, and we were in the middle of a war with a toddler looking mammy speaking lardass cosplaying comedian/writer who's wife left him for a bull.

Yep. The guy who runs this place not only caved-in, but he banned a ton of really funny posters. I don't know why people keep comparing this to other times this place got boring. What SpaceEdge did was flatout sabotage to the subreddit. How do you let Logan Lynn get made fun of, but Fatrick gets a pass??? What aren't you telling us, buddy? Because frankly, I don't think he is competent to run this place. And I don't trust at all.

Logan Lynn, although a bitch, didn't deserve the hate really. Jay Mohr did deserve criticism for what he did, but Fatrick, who said its okay to punch women if they're conservative and threatens people on the reg definitely deserved it. Especially after he said he'd sue anyone that makes fun of him on the internet.


It can't be legal for SpaceEdge to hold out the sub for money like he suggested. Also, the ALT mod account is fishy. If we wanted we could possibly get him booted if that's really an Alt account or if he's serious about selling the sub to someone.


If I was a Mod, I'd say destroy Fatrick, even if the sub goes down because i'd be thinking about what 27,000 people find hilarious rather than back down when one obese toddler looking insurance salesman threatens you.


The "Receipts child" bit was gold, and the cartoon meme of Brother Joe saying "Subpoena" while talking to Patrick who said "Receipts child" made me burst out laughing the hardest I have in awhile.

If Fatty did sue any of us, we'd start a gofundme and get a lawyer like M to defend us. Even Ben Shapiro would donate towards it, and he recognizes Fatrick for who he is.

We just need to either pick one of the three other locations to all go to and abandon this place. The more we leave and the less content that the mod has control over, the lower the value. Obviously, we can't go to the one Joe mods unless he's removed, which leaves one PFG location and one Sci-fi author fan sub.

Is there a list of banned users that someones keeping?

Fatrick has a list, Sweet Summer Child

I for one welcome our new pudgy overlord.


Here's an idea. Why doesn't someone who isn't a lazy bastard like myself just go and put together some forum outside of reddit. Everyone is always bitching about the mods and reddit in general as well as worrying that this place will be taken down at some point, so why don't we just migrate to some new place where none of that matters? Think about it. No more management. A total free speech zone.

It is odd how people used to just make their own websites and forums and shit. Now everyone is programmed to believe we need space on one of the major platforms.

After a visit to ruined Berlin, he wrote his wife on July 21, 1945: "Berlin gave me the blues. We have destroyed what could have been a good race, and we are about to replace them with Mongolian savages. And all Europe will be communist. It's said that for the first week after they took it (Berlin), all women who ran were shot and those who did not were raped. I could have taken it (instead of the Soviets) had I been allowed.

It is indeed unfortunate, mon General, that the English and the Americans have destroyed in Europe the only sound country -- and I do not mean France. Therefore, the road is now open for the advent of Russian communism.

Actually, the Germans are the only decent people left in Europe. it's a choice between them and the Russians. I prefer the Germans.

What we are doing is to destroy the only semi-modern state in Europe, so that Russia can swallow the whole.

There is a very apparent Semitic influence in the press. They are trying to do two things: first, implement communism, and second, see that all businessmen of German ancestry and non-Jewish antecedents are thrown out of their jobs.

"They have utterly lost the Anglo-Saxon conception of justice and feel that a man can be kicked out because somebody else says he is a Nazi. They were evidently quite shocked when I told them I would kick nobody out without the successful proof of guilt before a court of law . . .

"Another point which the press harped on was the fact that we were doing too much for the Germans to the detriment of the DP's, most of whom are Jews. I could not give the answer to that one, because the answer is that, in my opinion and that of most nonpolitical officers, it is vitally necessary for us to build Germany up now as a buffer state against Russia. In fact, I am afraid we have waited too long."

you ok there buddy?


Kill yourself?

Shut up, you boring spaz. And what a fucking weirdo you are for being signed in to at least two alts (u/tepplerdjax) , that are Star Wars fanfic names, you fucking nerd, to be an insufferable retard here.

Which is my other star wars fanfic alt then?

I mentioned it in my comment, you mentally ill shut-in.

You mentioned 2 alts. For 2 alts to exist you need a 3rd, main account. If this is my main account, which are the 2 star wars fanfic alt names?

Again, shut the fuck up, you boring, tedious dork.

TepplerDJax says the same anti-Jew nonsense

That fat faggot needs his fucking neck cut. If anyone has dox hit me up. Genuinely.

back to beefers and dumb truckers try to be funny and make another shitpost 1/9934564 threads.

The pics of the two white/black people and comparing them to Opie and Anthony are by far the gayest. Absolute cringe fest. I refuse to believe the people that make them aren't severely autistic or fat boomers.

Why is u/bonniesretardedsister trying so hard to downplay what happened over the weekend? You're not fooling anyone, son.

Like a dead hooker, child. Empty, and smelly, but still there to use in desperation.

This is now a Hannah Gadsby sub.

Maybe it's time to start trying to enjoy the show again.


We need to band together if we want this sub to continue. We are stronger together than we are apart!

But none of that is new. We always get stuff shut down when he or another mod get cranky and go on a deletion spree. They did it with Alex Jones and Joe Rogan stuff a month ago.

And honestly, for all the complaints (and I'm no fan of the mods by any means) you get away with way more shit here than you would on most established subreddits besides the MDE one that the jews had shut down. So I'm not going to complain if somebody can't call the writer guy in question a child molester for the 30th time in a afternoon. That was getting boring anyway.

And now we have a mirrored sub that has Joe as a fucking mod?!

joe got banned the mod thing was a bit

he doxed spaceedge

Also, you're right about the sub. Posters calling out Jim for being a worm or Sam for being ugly or dull is just boring at this point. Those jokes have been made thousands of times, and we were in the middle of a war with a toddler looking mammy speaking lardass cosplaying comedian/writer who's wife left him for a bull.

Yep. The guy who runs this place not only caved-in, but he banned a ton of really funny posters. I don't know why people keep comparing this to other times this place got boring. What SpaceEdge did was flatout sabotage to the subreddit. How do you let Logan Lynn get made fun of, but Fatrick gets a pass??? What aren't you telling us, buddy? Because frankly, I don't think he is competent to run this place. And I don't trust at all.

Like a bunch of nigg- well, you know.....

(Ding Ding Ding)


Here's an idea. Why doesn't someone who isn't a lazy bastard like myself just go and put together some forum outside of reddit. Everyone is always bitching about the mods and reddit in general as well as worrying that this place will be taken down at some point, so why don't we just migrate to some new place where none of that matters? Think about it. No more management. A total free speech zone.