Night of the Living Dead

42  2019-04-16 by crookedmile


Awesome...when was this?

You post on a Joey Diaz sub. Frequently.

I think this was actually his return show after his arrest IIRC.

They’re rebooting the Golden Girls?

It’s gonna be called Nana’s girls.

i cant stand Levy.

Bob reminds me of all the drunk little league dads

as untalented as they come....

Even Big A couldn't stand the smell in the room and left

U know me.. COCKSUCKAH

Who's the guy in the Canadian tuxedo?

You mean you don't know John Melendez? He's famous for having a mentally deranged daughter who cut her tits off and now thinks she is a guy,

This is his demo, he must be big at retired homes.

Somehow Jackie aged better than all of them:

This is from like 3 years ago. They all look worse now.

All of them got butt hurt when Howard said they'd be nothing without him, and 20 years later, they're still proving him wrong!

is that fucking grillo sitting on the couch


I'm guessing Ant is trying to do a Stern impression? He looks like someone you would see in jail for biting his girlfr...oh wait.

Fucking Levy... Buddy fucking mother fucker

oh shit which episode is this I love me some stern talk


You mean you don't know John Melendez? He's famous for having a mentally deranged daughter who cut her tits off and now thinks she is a guy,
