Why The Battle vs Fatrick Matters

1  2019-04-16 by dalgriff

I wasn't too fond of making fun of Dr. Chublinson, but then it hit me. He's an insurance salesman/hack writer cosplaying as a comedian who looks like a toddler and talks like a menstruating sassy black women.


The worst part about this man is what he represents. People like him are effeminate crybabies who bait and switch and then play the victim. They make all of us in our 30s, 40s, even 20s like me look bad. Fatrick can talk shit about Trump, Ben Shapiro, Our ENTIRE subreddit, and say that conservative women should be striked in the face. He can make fun of all of us, call us child, and threaten us relentlessly, but we can't criticize him. He's never wrong in his mind and he's nothing but a straight phony who pays to get his shitty books published. He can talk shit about Norm, or anyone he doesn't like and call them a Nazi or Incel, but let me tell you WHY this battle matters.


This Fat Toddler-like creature has told us that it's illegal to make fun of him, and if we do so, we'll "go to jail, child". He told a comedy sub-reddit, and a beacon of free speech on the internet to bow down and declare him the Queen Fatness of the Royal Crown.

He said he has, "receipts, child" and we're in deep shit. So we doubled down. And what did the man who 27,000 people rely on to moderate this sub do? u/SpaceEdge, You bowed down to him..... You let him win.

This could possibly be the funniest bit in the history of the subreddit. Brother Joe and Fatrick working together to battle the subreddit. Brother Joe and Fatrick becoming "enemies", and Joe possibly owning him. Fatrick being on the peoples court and calling the judge a "child". The possibilities are endless.


These 27,000 people that come to this sub reddit to laugh everyday were all let down by you u/SpaceEdge. Everything in life will eventually end. We'll all end, and this subreddit will end someday. But if we're ever going to battle, does it make sense to surrender in order to make fun of jim norton a couple of more years and post "beefer" pics? Or go to battle, and defeat this entitled, toddler like mammy speaking SJW.


Ask yourself, What would Mel Gibson or any leader do? Would they let 27,000 fans down, sell out and take money like Judas by taking $10K, or lead them into victory. Ask yourself what kind of man you are and how you want to be remembered. It isn't too late to make the right choice. This is in reality, about a fat cosplaying insurance salesman not being able to tell people what "funny" is, or that they can't have free speech when he breaks multiple platforms rules.

Do the right fucking thing man.