With the collapse of the Notre Dame cathedral, a mosque should be built in it's place.

64  2019-04-15 by cocoslaygurl

It's an absolute tragedy what happened to the cathedral, but what's done is done. That's reality.

As we all know, France has a lot of Muslims -- many of them brand new to the country. What better way for the natives to show they accept their new neighbors than to rebuild a mosque where the cathedral used to be?

I'm expecting this to be controversial but I think it would be an amazing and loving gesture.



To be fair to them they did ban burqas.

Mon freres, mon freres, I know you're mad at Muslims, what with Charlie Hebdo, ISIS, Nice, but get this, how about instead of just stopping Muslim immigration we... ban the burqa.

Some Saudi prince would probably be willing to pay for it..

And he would probably be magnanimous enough to classify it as an "interfaith worship space", at least the first couple of years, and then it could gradually become an "islamic only space" as the demograpic takeover rolls along..

Every Quran in an American prison is paid for by Saudi Arabia

They do have cunning, gotta give em that.

They tried that shit with the ground zero mosque b

Aloha snackbar

It would be intolerant not to

These muslims are scumbags

real jerks

Their problem handling skills! They aren't good!

wacky face

Isis beheading 3 year old kids? That's a tough one man. I don't know where I stand on this.

Middle road Jim is the worst Jim

I love that idea!

Are you Jewish by any change, divide and conquer, conniving little bastard.

Oye vey. Nothing to see here, goy.

The enemy of my enemy is very convenient indeed goy!

Where is a mustached goose stepping start up when ya need it?

I thought you were being cynical or sarcastic until the end there, where you said that you genuinely mean it. I believe that you mean it, sincerely, and that you would tell us if you didn’t.

I can see it happening but seriously, everyone knows I was always just a lot closer to Anthony than I ever was to Opie.

May slices of bacon be upon him.

would be a good bit

I for one think we should leave it a pile of ash and make ash angels. There’s no better feeling than to be sullied by soot

in it's place

In it is place what?

Nice grammar, stupid.

I know this is the ha ha Cumia piss zone, but I just got banned from the world news reddit for posting this


Where an ISIS cell was trying to do the same fucking thing 3 years ago.

This website rules.

The French police would have unearthed the fire. You're were banned for trying to pin an alleged accidental fire on Muslims in France. They do enough to fuck over themselves no need to be a good goy on this one

Ahh I see, makes total sense that I'd be banned for saying someone tried to do the same thing 3 years ago.

Well banning you is total horseshit since the leftist are allowed to push anything as fact. I don't agree with censoring.

People are trying to pin this on Muslims without any real fact that it was infact them. Mostly polish farmers who just got an ISDN. I think the mods are trying to stop that. You posting an old article probably made them think you were on of this.

Also the Christian outrage is bullshitt, since most of christians artifacts were bombed to shit by both Russia and Isis in Syria and nobody really gave a fuck. Those places were far older and more historically significant than the Notre Dame.

I wasn't "pinning" anything on anyone, I was just posting an article that said they tried to do the same thing years ago. The other stuff you're talking about has nothing to do with what I said. Goodbye.

That goodbye at the end is super faggy

And it should watch over Paris like the eye of sauron

Thanks Jim.

Muslims are just stupid enough and brazen enough to request something like this. They'll bring up Crusader guilt and float it as a kind of way to bring France together.

You're thinking about Jews not Muslims, they should build a Holocaust remembrance center and they probably will

Thinking about both I guess. They're more united in the West than most people know.

Both absolute selfish cunts, I would know as one of thrm

That fire really MOTHERFUCKED Notre Dame

Fuck a bunch of street shitting, goat fucking, devil worshipping ragheads