This sub is fucking depressing now.

74  2019-04-15 by nomobjustice


We all cant wait for spaceedge to overdose

Worth raising the 10k, just knowing he's going to dust himself a thousand in anyways.

Yeah, butthurt mods that ban people over their feelings will kill a sub.

Lack of feelings

Hopefully it gives you the push you need to finally off yourself.

This faggot is depressed because this is no longer a fanclub obsessed with a nobody sci-fi author. Suicide really is the only option at this point.

Edgy stuff.

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Not until I get another fresh and riotous Bobby Kelly DUDE post out of you, you exhausting faggot.

Well, Ricketts? You heard him. Get crackin’.

I’m too depressed

Post some beefers

Such a 180 from last week, that mod destroyed the all the fun

Is he, dare I say, the TRUE Destroyer?

It seems as though the Patrick-related threads are actively being deleted. Which is shame. The end effect will be the death of the sub.

Patrick, Porsalin, SpaceEdge, and anything criticizing or commenting on Friday's events.

no its great

You're right! Normally we're all well to-do gentlemen of steady temperament and permanent moderation.

just remember when times are really gay around here something amazing inevitably happens

It's all funny imo.

Right, it's the sub that is depressing. Not your life.


Ya, I miss the beacon of hope and light that it used to be.

Back in the glory days this was a supportive group of individuals coming together to better the community. I remember when me and Knickers adopted a highway before he ended up killing himself.

And that one guy who went out and stole a soundbar for his kid.

/r/pussypassdenied is still good

/u/TheToolMan /u/BigGreenYamo how many accounts have been banned the last 3 days?

Fuck, dude....a lot.

There's nothing you guys can do to stop this shit?

Sure. I could unban someone, but it'll just end up with them being banned almost immediately.

I mean the situation as a whole. There's no reddit failsafe for mods who lose their shit?

The problem here is that...first off, do you really want to call admin attention to this sub? As recently as a week ago, there was an admin bitching about how I was approving threads and comments that were against the TOS. It was just dumb shit, but they got butthurt.'s really going to be hard to defend threads that are shitting all over one single person, regardless if that shitbag deserves it or not. We'd literally be saying "hey, there's a mod here who doesn't want us to trash him, or an awful sci-fi writer. Can you fire him so we can continue to try and fuck up someone's life?" I don't think that'd fly.

You don't think the admins would be sympathetic to our plight?

Ha. Not at all


Try calling the admin "child"

As of right now, 115.

Holy. Fuck.

Qadan, Philip Marma and now this. When will our suffering end?

Inshallah soon.

Qadan, Philip Marma and now this. When will our suffering end?

May as well throw Bobby on that pile, too.

Sum Ting Wong

Well that doesn't seem like mod abuse or anything.

It's completely fucked. There are definitely people being banned that I can't figure out why it's happening. Sure, a lot of them - most of them - are because they're purposely breaking rules and antagonizing shit. But, when someone asks why they're banned, and all they get is a "fuck off" responses - that's horseshit.

People can hate me and shit on me all they want for recent events, but if I'm banning someone I'll always be open to (at the very least) tell them why, if not try to work out a satisfactory solution for everyone.

Safe to say if you even look like you might say something about the other two mods or bring up Patrick or other touchy subjects it's a ban. Mention that there's other subs? Ban.

Quit fucking crying and move on to something actually funny. The bit was horribly played out. The subject never wanted it to end because he reveled in big discussed to that degree anywhere. You played right into his hands.

As far as I know there are no Patrick rules over on scorches thread.

Now? Shows been dead for 5 years and Opie is the Messiah. Just enjoy the slow burn brother man.

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I was really getting tired of seeing that gay fat authors face. Something else really gay and fat will happen soon and the sub will rejoice.

The pages and pages of low-effort P*trick posts were fucking annoying. I'm glad they put a stop to it.

It was bound to happen eventually. There’s so little going on in the lives everyone in the O&A universe that it’s become boring to ridicule them. Hence why some have apparently chosen this Patrick guy as their hill to die on. Flocking to back-up subs so they can safely carry on with a bit that was wearing itself out anyway.

You think that's because it's a sub devoted to a show that's been off the air for 5 years?

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