What other subs do you guys like to browse?

15  2019-04-15 by Compound_MediaPR


I browse the nambla subs looking to catch a Cumia or perhaps our favorite sci-fi writer

No way there are nambla subs

Theres a literal cannibal sub. Nambla is almost acceptable on reddit what with the crying about discrimination all the time.

I'd like to see more NAMBLA-based material here


Big fan of the tendies subreddit since they are my second favorite food.


Is that you Sam Roberts?


Pretty much just naked-girl stuff.

I always worry that I'll be on a whore sub drunk one day and post something totally fucking insane like "Nice pic."

It'd be like blurting out "I'm not a pedophile" on TV. I'd never stop being ashamed.

Seeing the losers that comment to the girls on those subs makes me cringe so badly. The women never even respond to the positive remarks, but say something slightly negative and they'll private message you asking what your problem is. Not saying it leads to anything, it's just something I find funny.


the relationship advice. So many fucking retards

She sure is getting a raise out of me heyoo

Did nobody click the link? Erock posted a comment on gonewild.

The headline should have been "Disgusting lonely fat guy thinks he's Don Juan."

Then I would have clicked.




/r/oldladiesbakingpies is one of my go-to subs.

Theres a literal cannibal sub. Nambla is almost acceptable on reddit what with the crying about discrimination all the time.