I’m losing Karma again, 189? WTF is that shit?!?! Last warning fuckers. If I don’t see an improvement soon, I’m going away for good. No more connection to O&A at all if I do that. You should just rename the sub r/LadyDiAndMarion now. You’ll all be bored and regretful without me here. Karma is free.

0  2019-04-15 by IntlectualHomosexual


Shut up faggot no one cares.


Get out. Everyone is tired of you. You had you week of attention. Now you're just boring.

Seriously. The novelty of having this retard here wore off really fast.

The saddest part is, all these outbursts of his are because his AMA didn't go as planned. He thought everyone here would love him after that but no one cared and now he's been lashing out for weeks.

It's over, Joe. Like every group of cool kids you ever tried to join, we just don't want you here.

Accept it. Your life is meaningless

So long shitbird.

Eh. Go away you attention seeking old fool.

You don't need to actively post here to humiliate yourself for our enjoyment you silly bovine.

I think Joe is hoping to turn posting here into a money making venture somehow. His baby brother is likely on the verge of going broke so the leech needs a new financial source to latch onto. I doubt 2U's intake of $32 and a medium plastic bag of chicken wings per gig is making ends meet.

Why do you care about karma so much?

He's a redditard

Same reason he wears gold earrings.

Joe joins the ranks of LinzBella, PatDuffy, DannyRoss, ect.. You had your time to shine, and now no one gives a shit about you.

Gotta keep your head on a swivel around these parts, brothaman


Duffy was ok though. Said his piece and rolled out.

I agree. Pat Duffy is great. I'm glad he is the only one who is living a good life after all this. he's the only one who deserves to.

I wouldn’t put Duffy on that list.

No one cares you fat nigger.

Haha, Joe needs us.

Go die. Preferably with a cock in your mouth.

He died the way he lived. Sucking off some random guy he didn't know.

You're a used up whore, Joe. Show us your tits if you want karma.

Needy faggot


I'm not exaggerating in any way when I say this is the most sad behaviour I've ever witnessed from a man of your age.

Delete your account and never come back, you unbelievably embarrassing old fuck.

Mock Fat Pat and I’ll maybe upvote you.

So when is Ant moving Layla into the compound (East or West wing)?

I'm just trying to find the upside in this, the best I can come up with is that while she's staying at the compound, he might actually get her to school on time.

Do you still hope to get a reaction out of me with this? Never angry. Always honest with myself, and that’s all that matters.

You're a fat leech and we're pressing the cherry of a cigar to your neck. Shrivel up and fall off you cad.

We all know your transylvania fucking pedo brother is almost out of money. Shouldn't you be looking for a job?

that’s all that matters.

Get your fucking child to school on time.

Talk about stuff and maybe kiss her ;-)?

We're so over you, Joe.

Good! That was my intention the whole time.

We'll still insult you every single day, we just don't want you around anymore.

No it wasn't Joe. Your intention was to come here and win people over. You saw that some people reacted positively to that phone call you did and then thought you'd capitalize on it by doing an AMA.

When it didn't go to plan and your words were used against you, you deleted all your responses and had a meltdown. Your bovine brain couldn't handle the fact that you didn't win everyone here over like you wanted so now you've been lashing out and desperately begging for any kind of attention you can get for more than a week. It's seriously pathetic shit.

Great. Then can you get the fuck out and stop begging us for attention on a daily basis? Cow?

"Mooo I was only pretending to be retarded"

You are my favorite Cumia brother, Joe. But this seems undignified.

22 comments inside of 15mins. Seems to me I’m quite relevant.

You should be so proud.

Honestly, what the fuck is wrong with you?

Not a thing. I’m having a great day as usual. Relaxing on the veranda. How’s Panera Bread treating you?

You’re a fucking idiot.

Is he?

Nice alt switch, stupid

awww this is a new level of pathetic

Relaxing on the veranda, listening to the sounds of highway traffic zipping by... Waiting for Anthony to wake up so I can hit him up for money...

Hey, we had a deal! He made it so he has to pay me for life! Sure, he crashed hard again, but that doesn't cancel out the arrangement!

So yeah, chilling on the veranda... Placing an order for a Chinese knock off guitar, boy I hope they have excellent customer service!

Fat titted, bovine headed moron.

Veranda = The shitty porch at his shitty condo

Typical Long Island trash, thinking that we're supposed to be impressed by a fucking veranda

You're not impressed by a sun bleached awning hanging over a slab of concrete?

What's up Joe?

I can’t tell if this is Ants bovine bro, a really good impression by one of us, or Joe doing a really good impression of a troll doing an imitation of Joe. Am I over thinking this?


I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror, joe. The once bright colors of Randy “The Rocket” Rosenthal have faded to black and white.

You did this joe. When people here posted positive things about you I wondered for the first time; is it worth fighting for these people? Is it worth carrying the O+A sub banner and title?

What does a man become when his soul is taken away, Joe? When The Rocket now looks at the world, and no longer cares? What am I, Joe?

I know all too well what you are. You are an aging, cow faced, man who is desperately trying to hold on to a past that is long gone, and wasn’t that great to begin with.

I’ll stay here, in the rafters, until I decide if I even want to come back into the regular world.

But joe, make no mistake. You step in the ring with me and the Red Glare will sting as much as ever.

Quote The Rocket, never more.

What Poetic faggotry.

So so so

so so so so so you’re saying if I use the term “jew faggotry” that means I’m anti-semitic???

Ask not for who the bell tolls, Joe. For it tolls for thee. Little brothers allowance won’t last forever. No one wants to see a 70 year old man up on stage impersonating other 70 year old men. The Rocket wants you to leave this place. And the Rocket is prepared to return to the ring if that’s what it takes. Quote The Rocket, Nevermore.

We've never needed you more, Rocket

Crow Sting Rocket, save us!

Make that 33 comments in 45 minutes.

Nice goalpost changing, stupid

No wonder you're such a failure when your metrics for success are so flawed.

Get out spaghetti nigger

Hey bovine-eyes, I challenged you to a boxing match. Too pussy to take it up with me or what? Fuckin bovine-eyes

I asked to meet him twice already and he ignored it. This is prob Anthony posting and pretending to be joe

I was on here the last hour and only noticed this thread now.

You don't have to be so rude about it

You're not going anywhere. Faggot.

Make a new account and try to be a good poster here. Don’t defend your pedophile brother or yourself. Once you have a few thousand karma you can reveal that it was you all along. If you actually managed to do that, you really would win for once. I suspect your fat retard brain won’t be able to keep the ruse up though.

Be less boring nigger.

A grown man begging for karma lol

Karma, money from AntH, cum from the boys down at the Ranch....

r/LadyDiAndMarion would actually be good

You give us a last warning every other day. U talk a good game Joe. Incel

What an embarrassing waterhead you are. Thank God your parents aren't alive to see what a pathetic, unrelenting scumbag you'll always be.