Fantastic: This is what People's Court fans thought of Joe's appearance right after it aired. Cancelled Bar Band Gig (link in comments)

22  2019-04-15 by crookedmile


Idk how but Joe truly is the most detestable out of the O&A universe.

I disagree. Anthony Sam and Jim are all more hatable in my opinion

After further thought you may have a point.

Anthony and Jim have raped children. It's a low bar

I love how you don't even need to explain why Sam is included in a 3 man list that includes 2 guys who fucked children.

The main thing Sam is guilty of is digging the uncanny valley slightly deeper every day

For me it's the voice. He speaks with far more confidence than his high pitched weasel-like screeching should allow for.

I hate his fucking laugh the most. First the idea of Sam having brief amounts of joy makes me sick, but the dolphin like cackling is simply too much. He needs to be killed.

He really is a specimen.

Some things are self-evident.

For a brief moment he saw the vast gulf between how he sees himself and how the rest of the world sees him and it shocked the shit out of him. For a second. Then those heavy ego shutters came down and he was back in typical nigger Cumia "it's everyone else's fault" mode.

*"Anyone else feel like sending the club owner/defendant a book of stamps so he can use the USPS to mail cancellations, like he should have? If he had had a stamp, we would not have been exposed to this scumbag plaintiff." *

I like how badass Joe came out once he got home on Facebook but when he was actually in front of the judge he looked like a frightened little boy being reprimanded for the whole appearance.

"Wow, he really is as disgusting as he was portrayed to be."

Case closed

The sheer nerve of this dunderheaded fatbody to cast shade upon the Latina MILF goddess that is Her Honour. Especially considering the bog hag he shacked up with.

Then again, look at the myriad circus freaks his brother would prefer over Halle Berry or Rihanna.

Something just ain’t right with them Cumia boys.

Chubsy-wubsy is how I will now refer to Joe from this point onwards.

Seriously, Judge Milian is in pretty decent shape for an old broad (certainly better than Carol/Colin Fagerty), and Joe is a big fat obese oblivious fuck