Maybe they’ll add 30 more mins to each episode the week they‘re back to make up for it

40  2019-04-15 by perch97


Whats the point in doing a show nobody watches?


Also he's dying.

This comment gives me hope

It really is just depressing at this point. How long can he keep this going? Is he just shooting for death with a fuckton of debt to leave Joe as a final Fuck You?

Do we have any info about how many people actually watch daily? Can't be many at this point. It would be great if it was possible to fake viewers, so he'd be acting like a complete tool for no one for years

They are not coming back.

I had a fucked up dream that CM is going to upload a shut-down announcement and cease all shows.

For once I hope your dreams come true good buddy.

So do I. Any way we can Make-A-Wish this for little BP-47? How hard is cancer to fake?

If that show Sick Note is any indication, you just need a retarded oncologist and Don Johnson

Its so fucking funny that Anthony was "sick" has last show before vacation.

He calls in sick to his own company

He calls himself and fake coughs as he calls out.

Then he hangs up and vomits blood.

"Hey Ant, it's Ant... *cough*cough*wheeze"

Where is the big vacation? I remember back during the XM days it was a Haven suite with him footing the bill for the whole mooching family. I’m assuming now that he’s rolling in all the CM money, they’re renting an entire cruise ship for themselves.

Keith and Nana are probably taking that rowboat over to Fire Island again.

Drinking Bud Light and playing video games until they pass out

1 week at Lake George for everyone. Meals not included.

How long until Nana and Joe are sending Opie song parodies for his podcast?

Stuntbrain refuses to show them to Opie.


I'm sure this is a tree falls in the woods question, but does anyone know if he lived up to that extra time they promised for even one day?

They didnt.

Ah, the ol’ exit scam

“Closed for renovations”

They don't even bother with pre-tapes now. It's all slipping away. The 'lifeboat' is not fit for purpose and is sinking.

Just pull the plug on that network full of shit already

What a joke. I guess the 8-hour workweek was wearing on Anthony

The entire network is taking the week off all at once? How do you not stagger that shit so there is still content being released to your handful of paying customers?

You know, I'm starting to think this company isn't run by the smartest people in the world.

Anthony went on vacation to the hospital for liver failure.

Wait, so not a single show is going to happen for an entire week? Will customers get any money back for that?

I had a fucked up dream that CM is going to upload a shut-down announcement and cease all shows.