SpaceEdge more like NiggerEdge

98  2019-04-14 by Single_Action_Army

Give me gold



Me and Knickers died for our sins without gold. Who gave this nigga gold?!

What are your thoughts on SpaceEdge? Your answer determines if you get gold.

Uhh, he's a bad bad man

I'd say he's a nigger, but then I'd be insulting niggers.

Some faggot

SpaceEdge is comped by the DNC and Hillary.

Hopefully they give the child rapist faggot the Seth Rich treatment. He will not be missed.

We must hoist this man on our shoulders.

Shakespeare himself could not have crafted a more eloquent insult.

who is the other mod that appeared today?



I think you’re on to something

I think he’s just full of hot air. He’s what the Italians would call: “a mook”.

Faith in humanity = restored