Hey Joe, what's my personal info?

15  2019-04-14 by YangtzeRiverChina

u/IntlectualHomosexual, since you claimed to have all my personal info, why don't you go ahead and post it for everyone? I mean, someone whose brother's full address and phone number are easily accessible online wouldn't make such a foolish bluff, would they? I wait with bated breath, you fucking asshole.


It's not him. I thought it was too but am almost certain now that it's a very superior troll.

I agree with you. I think it’s a highly skilled troll. Joe is just so fucking stupid, it’s hard to believe anyone could do it that well.

Whoever it is slipped up and said a date in a British/Australian English way. Still, a superb impersonation of his blithering idiocy.

At this point it has to be him. If not, then he's been doing a consistent, perfect imitation of Joe for days on end

I hope you're right as I've been insulting him a little bit myself, got a little out of order myself. But today the façade has slipped a tad. I think we may be dealing with a trolling prodigy. Either way, Joe Cumia is a dumb, parasitic faggot.

So so so you're saying it takes a high level trolling to mimick a retard??

Surprisingly, yes. It's probably difficult to consistently come across as that stupid for anyone of average or above intelligence. It's almost certainly a draining effort that requires high levels of concentration, just so as not to slip back into rationality.

"I think of a man. Then I take away reason and accountability."

Very Kaufman-esq

Can we get some of those responses?

u/TheRocketRosenthaul is playing 4D Chess

That’s wrigley field man

Fuck the Cubs

I thought it definitely wasn't him until that video of him demanding better karma.

I think Joe obviously lurks here and jumped on the chance

You sure have a lot of stupid thoughts

Can't argue with you there

1912 S Orange Ave, Orlando, FL 32806

Making up stories again grasshopper? You’re addicted to me. I only said (in a personal message) that I’m 99% sure I know who you are. Now your pathetic attempt to goad me into posting someone’s personal info? oofah. You’re a silly silly man. Don’t you have to go butcher a cat for the family business or something?

You said you were done with me, yet here you are. Did you run out of cud to chew? Is it in your 2nd or 3rd stomach? And as a literal crack abuser, you're in no place to be talking about addiction, cow. Your stupid bluff got called and all you can do is try to worm your way out of it, you fucking AARP member

Don't forget he can't get his kid to school on time and hilariously brags about not producing enough testosterone on his own (something any self aware man would be horrifically embarrassed about ) not our Joe though he just keeps on giving!

I’m going to ruin your life and block you grasshopper. You’ll be the only one I’ve don’t that to here. It has nothing to do with you trolling, I just want to know you’re bummed not being able to stalk me. Bye bye now.

Thank God and good riddance. Begone, wop!
