Anthony Cumia, back on top

110  2019-04-14 by crookedmile




Still hilarious!

he might be a creep, but he's #ourcreep

fuck patso and u/SpaceEdge literal poo-pushers

I'm sure both their publishers are happy that they picked up their respective books.

It looks like Fatrick doesn't even have a traditional publisher. He is using Penguin Random House Publisher Services, which means he had to pay them to distribute his book, and give them a percentage of profits on top of that. It's the same thing as self publishing on Amazon, only he gets to keep even less of his minuscule sales. Every author that I've seen use that is a fraud that wants to make it look like their books are attached to an actual publisher, when in fact they are just paying to make themselves look legitimate.

That is so tremendously pathetic.

When you think about how few actual "Readers" there are out there in the world and how even fewer of them would be Cumia's demo, or would skip the thousands of established sci-fi writers works for some nobody with the creativity of reusing "child" hundreds of times as an insult, you realize no successful publisher in their right mind would risk betting on him selling even dozens of copies.

Kinda like a fat kid toucher version of Scorch doing a public access show and claiming he was watched in more households than leno and letterman combined?

He got an appearance on Rogan out of pity and still his book has sold less than 500 copies.

That's an astounding failure.

How many of those were gifted to killakhun?

Heard my nigga's hittin the books tryna get dat gd. Koon got woke n converted to Islam too.

Any time I see that book cover, I think of 'Edgar' Cumia.

That was almost as embarrassing as Anthony’s cover. Two unfunny twats there no one wants to hear but Jim is praying to fuck them so he makes them “guests.”


anthony thinking he was going to have a book tour is really and truly delusional

That cover still baffles me to this day. What on earth is he trying to convey with that setting and that face? Is he saying that Twitter is prison raping him by banning his account?

The MAN won't let him rant about blacks.

The sole purpose of that horrendous cover grimace was for him to "show off" his toilet porcelain dentures.

You have to remember that this is a man whose breathtaking ugliness has been one of the defining characteristics of his life. Part of his otherworldly hideousness were his grey, freebase-stained chiclet teeth. Once he was able to afford to get them yanked out, and shards of urinal ceramic drilled in in their place, he was desperate to show them to the world. He thought the cover of his godawful book would be a good opportunity to do that. He was wrong, once again.

The only reason Jim takes these zainy photos for his books is so some young female photographer can see him with a cialis hardon in his undies. No other reason.

Funniest part of that is the fact that it's shopped, the whole point was to show how he's not fat anymore, but he had to have his skinny fat chub tits edited out.


Also "the rise again" is a little premature no?

Does it really matter when he says it if it's never going to happen?

As bad as Ant's cover is, at least its somewhat eye catching in its strangeness. Pat's books look so fucking dull.

The Cumia boys aren't tops.

Pat: calls people ‘child’

Anthony: fucks children

At least Ant follows through with conviction

He buys the books and then returns them within 30 days.

Wouldn't put it past him

Nana sells as many of his awful books to awful people as Patrick does in a month. Pathetic, child.

My local library has Anthony’s book. I don’t think it’s ever been taken out. People won’t even read his crap FOR FREE.

Put a dollar in it. If it is gone when you check back someone has read it.

I’m not sure if my Panera Bread salary can provide me with such wealth.

putting up those numbas

1 day sales of 5? He must have bought some for some birthdays

For a fair comparison....what is that psycho's top book? Would it be gate crashers?

Know what would be the greatest day this sub ever had (apart from finding out SpaceEdge had been tortured and killed by a drug cartel)?

If we somehow managed to deduce that there was a sci-fi author out there (call them X) whose prose, character development, etc. was just as mediocre if not worse than Fatrick S. Thomlinson, except X was either famous or semi-famous. At any rate, X'd be more famous than Fatrick.

BUT the kicker would be, if it were discovered that X was a minority or a female, and their fame only resulted from that status (i.e., the book publishers, media, etc. were "pushing" X's works onto the public solely due to their 'disadvantaged' status).

It would be the most beautiful touch of irony if Fatrick were to discover he was essentially being "held back" by a system that utilizes the very SJW policies he supports.

Sorry for the wall of text, but it would truly be a beautiful thing if Fatrick were to discover that his quasi-religious devotion to extreme liberalism was a part in his own failure as a writer.

He'd probably commit suicide. Ha!