"That subreddit can be a really rough place" - Jim Norton 03.22.17

26  2019-04-14 by crookedmile


"Wow. I didn't read that. I did not read that".

Busy man

I did Nawwwt

Oh, hi mark.


honestly this whole thing is rage-inducing and not in a funny way, he's so fucking scared to be truthful or something

He always declares that so formally, like it’s an important statement.

Has Norton ever given an opinion where he doesn't pontificate endlessly about both sides of the argument and ramble on about unimportant details?

You know he is a worm, right?

Shut up Jim from two years ago

Classic feigned ignorance, fence sitting Jim.

He didn’t read it, genuinely. He’d have told them if he had.

Was this about when Jim tweeted out about Amy's special and she didn't return the courtesy?

But they are good friends I thought

Yeah it's good, but it's also bad. Does that make sense?

Jim's good at sounding reasonable.

Probably from all those years in rehab, talking to strangers and being willing to admit to and talk about your shortcomings.

I can see the blinking, twitches, and hand movements. Jim fucking stinks.

Wonder what he read that rang true. "Jim's a fag with a lumpy head."

Jim Norton: I can't totally discount [feedback] because the fans' opinions count. When they speak, I can't totally ignore what they have to say.

His utter contempt for his fans is so palpable and obvious. Really his only redeeming quality is his hatred for anyone pathetic enough to like him.

Amy Schumer presents Jim Norton

Omg jim we got it we're cunts but we're mostly right say it a few more times stupid

My favorite part of it all is how these faggots pretend to not understand how they fostered this place - because that would involve taking some responsibility for their own actions. Loser faggots

was this the cover article for Who Gives a Shit Weekly?

I would tweet any of my friends that had a special coming out

Heh get it? A special “coming out”. I made this comment and posted it, today was a really good day

Busy man

I did Nawwwt

Oh, hi mark.


honestly this whole thing is rage-inducing and not in a funny way, he's so fucking scared to be truthful or something

He always declares that so formally, like it’s an important statement.