Thanks for fucking this place up instead of riding bits out to their natural and hilarious conclusion, stupid fucking mods.

64  2019-04-14 by Old_Block

I bet you're the type of cunts who still have WOW stickers on the bumpers of your Geo Trackers and get into fights with Tool fans in the parking lot of Tool concerts over who's the biggest Tool fan.

You are bigger fags than Patrick and Joe combined.


Just the thought of being a reddit mod makes me want to kill myself


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and yet still the subs best mod

go fuck your mother

Seriously - who would WANT to do that? Someone once described them as internet janitors, pretty accurate.

qq more baby

If only there was a way to predict that an anti-fun mod post on the OnA sub would lead to days if not weeks of the front page being clogged with threads on how mods are fags and that everyone would ignore said mods 'orders' and keep posting Patrick threads anyway.

Sadly there's just no way to know these things ahead of time.

I drove a PT Cruiser, mind you.