Ban me again, Faggot. Glad to see a mod knows what the fuck is happening in here.

70  2019-04-14 by OpiesInstantReplay


Ugh, is that lying piece of shit trying to turn his terrible modding into a profit? Fuck him.

Remember me when I’m banned. Tell my story.

I'll always remember you

you are a good man and you have a big penis

This whole thing is so fucking gay.

Cumia would pay $5k to be a mod.

It's the only job he can get.

i kinda want this sub to die now. "give this place up" youre talking about being a faggot moderator like its selling a car. reality: there is no intrinsic value to "owning" this subreddit and you dont really own it anyway

btw if somebody actually pays up for your mod position they are the only person even gayer than you so at least you have that going for you if true

Seriously. It goes way beyond the embarrassing nerd shame you'd experience if, for example, someone in real life found out you were a reddit moderator. They'd obviously label you as a faggot instantly and their opinion of you would be damaged irrevocably, but it would end there.

It's so much worse to be a faggot mod that is completely impotent at even that simple meaningless position. He's a failure at moderating in a way that would please regular users but he's also a failure at moderating in a way that would feed his desire to power-trip. He wanted to ban us all from shitposting about Patrick but instead now we just shitpost about fatrick and the faggot mod who cried about it.

It goes way beyond the embarrassing nerd shame you'd experience if, for example, someone in real life found out you were a reddit moderator.

I imagine the first sentence out of my mouth would be, "Why don't you put that time and effort into a real job?"

You shouldn't get a dime you stupid cunt. It's internet moderation, you no life having shithead. You're not Caesar, though I wish you were!

Eh tu, Phantas?

I didn't expect payment for the retarded amount of moderation I did for TACS and neither did any of the other mods. I did fuck all compared to people like GumbleDog and I don't even know where he is anymore.

Somebody like SpaceEdge should know just by his age that this is just autistic. The fucking guy looks like Pat but uniquely worse and that's why he's mad.

Hey faggot, it's THAN, not THEN. I know you're reading this.

What a fucking clueless faggot. I don't even recognize more than half the usernames. I imagine over the five years many have either got new usernames because they wanted to, were banned or suspended and had to get new usernames, or just got new ones for the fuck of it.

duh dur ur an alt from a month ago!!!

My username is an alt, and I've been posting for five years. I got several more lined up for when the faggot mods ban this name. Eat a dick, chubby spic.

Ugh what an unbelievably hateable fuck. You know this worthless retard is just going to continue digging his heels in too. Don't the other mods have any power to get rid of this junkie shithead?

I hope he blackmails you faggots into buying him out.

Why would someone pay 2000 to be a moderator of this vale of tears?

He's loying again.