Can we commission Beige to do a documentary on Patrick?

34  2019-04-13 by Wolosocu


Honestly, I’d pay. So, might as well offer the gig to Porsalin

Another great suggestion from the OA think tank.

A nothing like that would produce 3 minutes of material. Beige has bigger fish to fry

You can do 10 minutes alone on all the kids he fucked.

Beige should do a documentary about us (r/opieandanthony), do it while we are at our peak.

The peak was slapping AntH back into obscurity every other day.

I think so too.

as long as massa u/Space_Edge l-lets us

as long as massa u/Space_Edge l-lets us

Theres something in the works by someone, thats all i can say just now

Do any of us actually have any money to pay the guy?

I'll double my contribution! from $2 to $4. For a couple of months, anyway.

Bless you child

"gay poetry"

"yeah he's a fat faggot, what you want from me?"

*shills his patreon*

bang, done, child

I'm working on it

You have better production values than Beige.

You could still be a star here, just stop acting cunty.

I'm also working on that

Ignore all these Harry Haters, most of us here are big fans

production values?

Lining up clips in video editing software? Lmao

Are you still at war with Owen Benjamin?

In space, no one can hear you scream. The Patrick S. Tomlinson story.

Already in the works, SpaceEdge signed an NDA.

I'm not sure if Beige has the resources to take Patrick on. He's notoriously litigious.