Actual 100% serious Joe "IntlectualHomosexual" Cumia quote. "Don’t take the word of a fat, delusional, money grubbing, deadbeat Dad, with a couple of Chinese guitars, who isn’t a pedophile and is allowed to enter contracts. It’s obvious that I know nothing and you know everything."

13  2019-04-13 by JoeCumiaDotCom



He thinks he’s self aware and in on the joke but he’s not. That’s my theory.

You mean the elderly welfare Duke who plays pretend for a living might not get what it is we do here?

He thinks he does, and he thinks because he wasn't instantly fucking banned like most of other reddit, that we like him.

He is not aware of what a lolcow is, and has not learned to internet past Boomer Facebook and Twitter. He does not understand more advanced trolling tactics.

He wants so bad to be in on it that he is willing to expose himself to withering abuse just to be one of the guys. Joe needs us more than we need him.

I half respect the audacity to post here but at the same time that blank eyed dope can kick rocks

He has more balls than most, but he was hoping for an Opie heel turn not realizing it is mostly ironic.

Joe’s one strength is that he’s so fucking stupid that he’s immune from the law of diminishing returns. He will never stop finding new ways to humiliate himself, therefore he will always be funny to us.

Well yeah. Who would take the word of a Cumia?

old joe's happy to be posting here, enjoys feeling apart of something and figures himself an avuncular rapscallion type whose in on the joke. but he isn't. he's just a cunt deadbeat, unloved, incapable. more power to him, i say.

I get that he chose that name cause he was trying to rat us out undercover to a gay subreddit but jesus christ, with those big apple ranch rumors that's really not helping dude