Other people upset about this recent ban because they were enjoying obscurity for once

31  2019-04-13 by josephjeremiah


But seriously, fuck patty.

When did they take this?

  1. It's from some Vice article.
  1. From a Vice article apparently

August 2013 for Vice.

Dear God

Just a moment before tragedy

Yes. This was July 25th 2013, about one year before Anthony told everyone this isn't their show.

Couldn’t be any more gay in one picture if you took a snapshot out of Fat’s dreams

This photo is actually far more interesting than it initially appears. It provides the “missing link” between the horrific bloated ghoul nana is now and his stick thin Mexican phase.

Look at how happy and in love they all were. I've never seen 3 men more in love with each other. We need to get these 3 lovebirds back together and stop with this pretending to hate each other bullshit.

Look at that two-faced serpent Norton, draping himself over a man he regularly bitched about to his demon-looking old fag buddy on the other end there. Look at his insincere, back-stabbing faggot smile. What a fucking scumbag.

Was going to say, he almost used the same fake smile he uses for Ricky Gervais

Also a weak fucking pussy who lacked the balls to say shit to Opie.

Golf Foxtrot Yankee... GET IT???

Why is Jim's hand so creepily on Opie's shoulder? Nice foreshadowing, stupid.