Norm Macdonald with psychopath Don King on Letterman

5  2019-04-13 by throwawizzlemahnizzl


Take this shit to a Don King sub.

Also Don King killed a guy.

Perhaps more than that!

Oral friends

This reminds me that the world is a terrible place and I should probably just hang myself in my garage.

Don't do it brothaman. Keep living just to spite the world. Join the club.

For sure. I'm too much of a prick to check out now. But this just reminded me of how funny I used to find shit like this and how the world doesn't even remotely make sense to me anymore. Even this stupid fucking sub is falling victim to it.

I feel the same way man, and I'm in my mid-twenties. The same generation as all the snapchatting instagramming tweeting faggots and yet I feel more alienated than ever.

A guy massacred a mosque and said "subscribe to pewdiepie", and yet I'm self conscious when I go out? This world is absurd.

I'm 38. It doesn't get better.

I think it's the parenting. My dad's a 66 year old meth addict. He still has a Nokia phone. Do you have kids?

Sorry for fagging up the thread, feel free to ignore me.

Touching stuff.

Thanks for snapping me out of it.

if you have an issue, heres a tissue

thx bb

I'm glad SOMEBODY finally said it.

this was great, but you can really tell dave wasn't impressed.

He never was, that's the role he played. He was impressed enough to go on both of Norm's podcasts without getting paid for it.

no i know dave loves norm, just specifically in this instance i feel he wasn't impressed with loud, obnoxious (black) don king.

Thanks for snapping me out of it.