The dangers of drinking and depression

15  2019-04-13 by McGowan9


4 years, 22,000 Bud Lights and God knows how much money thrown away on a failure of a "media destination" later.

He went from looking like a relatively fit Bulgarian matriarch to Liberace three days post-mortem.

He looks like Brad Dourif’s corpse

I don't know who that is but nevertheless, upvoted

Both are icky

Real talk, Anthony is legit depressed and purposely killing himself with drugs and alcohol.

That's what I was driving at, yes.


It's ok. You're not a mind reader!

HA HA HOLY SHIT! Seriously I agree, he has at least an alcohol problem that has ruined his life and is likely causing his slow death.

I look at his pointless life, look at the pain he’s caused to innumerable dumb wayward young ladies for a cheap thrill, and I think “Good. I’m glad you look like an 80-year old Lithuanian grandma as you slowly die, pervert”. It’s kinda like Carol Maxheimer. She’s such an ugly old troll that anyone who would be near chooses their own punishment.

Have a great weekend, y’all. It felt nice to talk about Nana.

Your insights are invaluable to this sub

Thank you! That’s sweet of you.

I try

He sleeps all day, wakes up, 'works' 2 hours, goes home, plays videogames all day and drinks. Rinse, repeat. He's aged 10 years in the past 2.

The guilt of using his fleeting fortune to victimize children weighs heavy on his face

What a coward. He constantly bitches about NY State but still lives there, in one of the most liberal over taxed places in the world. Just move one state down to PA you faggot. But he won't, because it's his schtick to be a victimizeded nigger and being held down by the NY gubbmint. Both him and his brother, both cowards. You hate liberal NY, take a stand and GTFO. That's what a man does. Or just continue to live there and bitch and whine about libtards. If they actually were conservatives and cared about making a statement to the liberal government, they would take their wealth and tax dollars elsewhere. But they won't, they need the comfort of the city. They are try-hard faggots

They know that they wouldn't feel welcome surrounded by decent, Christ-loving, actually white people. So they'll stay surrounded by their fellow greaseballs and mudskins and keep whining about living in a blue state.

The bulk of this statement is correct but the Cumias have no wealth.

That's the actual flamethrower he used to burn all his bridges

All commentary under this post, with the exception of this one, comes by way of absolutely clueless retardation combined with the desperate need to project fantasy.

You can believe in anything that brings you joy. Santa, The Easter Bunny, Pat Tomlinson being raped in the joint by an entire chapter of Aryan Nation after being convicted of promoting child porn...Anything.

And really folks, Who the fuck am I to give you first hand hard facts, no assumptions, no conjecture, just THE REAL TRUTH re: Anthony Cumia, and take away what little Joy you garner from believing each other’s fantasies, lies and lore of his failing health, business and sanity which you seem so collectively overjoyed to Jack-off by??

I mean... WHO THE FUCK AM I TO RUIN YOUR PARTY? What could I possibly know that you don’t already know to be factual and more truthful than the information I have? How could someone who’s known Anthony for 58 years POSSIBLY have better information than all of you hiney-boys at r/opieandanthony subreddit?!

Don’t take the word of a fat, delusional, money grubbing, deadbeat Dad, with a couple of Chinese guitars, who isn’t a pedophile and is allowed to enter contracts. It’s obvious that I know nothing and you know everything. Keep up the good work men!

Ugh you again. Fucking leave already you weird, attention-seeking old bastard.

Joe, you're his brother so you want to defend him. I get it. But look at him. He looks very unwell, both physically and emotionally/spiritually. He looks like a piece of sweaty cheese. If you really do care about him, get him help.

And we're still waiting on that DD214 you promised.

a bit wordy but ok ... faggot

I liked this

Look at this. A scared geriatric who is afraid of losing his meal ticket. Babbling on and on in order to convince himself that Anthony is fine when he clearly isn't. Accept mortality and quit being such a fucking pussy, Joe.

Sure took you a lot of words to say absolutely nothing.

It’s been an interesting morning. Doesn’t look like I’ll be leaving any time soon. Major developments. More on that later... I won’t explain everything here but, Ant is healthy, wealthy and wise. I’m not defending him, I’m pointing out how off-base you are in your assumptions. Everything from the success (assumes failure) of CM, to his health (which we always share info about back n forth) you’re all 180° incorrect. But like I said, you need to keep yourselves entertained, It’s understandable


We don't have time for you today. Dismissed.

Tell him hi for us.

The reason you're staying is cause the sub is attacking Patrick. Spotlight Joe needs the attention. You're like the 15 year old girl that threatens to kill herself so people will look at her

Wouldn't 180° incorrect = correct?

He does have a weak faggy heart that has been known to attack him.

180 degrees incorrect would be correct. So so so so so so, thanks for confirming Nana’s demise, dunce. Your confirmation of CM’s failure is very old news around here. Two things, then you can go do whatever the unemployed do a Saturday.

  1. Add “using a compass” to the eternal list of things that a Joe Cumia descendent are genetically unable to comprehend or do correctly. Truly, Cumias are parasites.

  2. Your ignorance of basic science leads me to conclude that you are qualified to pontificate on The Science Channel. Congratulations! Pay’s only three bucks an hour plus plugs, but you can have all the beer and brats you can eat! big wink

That’s as incorrect as you can be. If 0° is correct, then 180° is as incorrect as you can possibly be. Holy shit, MY IQ is in question? Ever hear of doing a 180°, that’s OPPOSITE, about face, not in the direction of FORWARD, in other words, “backwards”.

As incorrect as you can possibly be. 180° INCORRECT.

You know Ant's health is in the shitter when not only does he have to cancel his shows, but Joe is claiming that it isn't

>I won’t explain everything here but, Ant is healthy, wealthy and wise.
>But like I said, you need to keep yourselves entertained, It’s understandable
>Everything from the success (assumes failure) of CM, to his health (which we always share info about back n forth) you’re all 180° incorrect.

How can you be an adult man and not understand basic grammar? English is your first and only language Joe. It is not normal to be this bad at writing at your age. This isn't even meant as a hyperbolic insult. You truly are too dumb to grasp just how dumb you are.

Hi Joe,

Quick question if you have the time:

Are you worried about your brother raping your daughter in 4-5 years when she’s his ideal age? Also, why are you such a fat nigger?

Thanks for the advertising! Everyone on the sub has my ph number already, but in case anyone missed out, you’re performing a service. Do you feel the need to be hung up on? Call the number above! Before this guy gets banned for posting private and confidential information.

The answers to your inquiries:

No. You’re being silly, and I’m definite not fat. The nigger part I really can’t do much about except stay out of the sun.

Lol shut up faggot

6'1" 230lb is medically obese, check your BMI idiot. You're as delusional as Fatrick.

So so so so so are you implying that I’m fat?

When Anthony hits 60 it's gonna be real bad. No matter how fucked up a girl's life is, there is no possible way she will hook up with a 60 year old with a melting face

I might be as delusional, but fact remains, I’m not as fat as PT, and probably not as obese as most of the users on O&A sub. You know it, I know it, everyone here knows it. Your poster boy was Josh Fonner. ‘Nuff said. This sub should be called r/FattyMcFattyMen

He's like old lookin,MMMMAAAAAAAAAN.

Thank you! That’s sweet of you.

That’s as incorrect as you can be. If 0° is correct, then 180° is as incorrect as you can possibly be. Holy shit, MY IQ is in question? Ever hear of doing a 180°, that’s OPPOSITE, about face, not in the direction of FORWARD, in other words, “backwards”.

As incorrect as you can possibly be. 180° INCORRECT.