Bill Burr is still funny.

0  2019-04-13 by brilliantdesigns

I know that his views on gender and race are lame. But outside of that, still funny


Unfortunately, spaceedge isnt aware of burr's views on gender and race, so we cant talk about this.

My opinion on him is now based on "black people react to Bill Burr" videos.

his thoughts on race and politics are just fine, I mean even if I disagreed with him he doesn’t go out his way to push it. The dude just talks and once in awhile he’ll briefly bring up politics. You gotta be a real fucking homo to be upset that a comedian doesn’t agree with you or god forbid might not like the president. Also what exactly has he said about “gender and race” that bothers you psychos? Are people you really upset that he’s with a black chick? I mean yeah she is gross but who cares she’s black. Wtf is wrong with you people?

The Nia hate isn’t because she’s black. It’s because she’s an entitled cunt.

Spaceedge is a cock-sucking faggot