Me watching this place collapse

0  2019-04-13 by TonyFromLongIsland


How is it collapsing? Just because we're calling our mods faggots?

They're not people

And when it closes and you're all silenced, I'm gonna catch up on Jim and Sam and stop being a hater faggot.

Anthony you are a pissy eyed faggot and nothing, NOTHING, can ever change that.

Your father was right to hate you.

JoeCumiasFryingPan you are a pissy eyed faggot and nothing, NOTHING, can ever change that.

Your father was right to hate you.

Funny how? This place isn't going anywhere Tony..

this place is just a place I come to post my inner gay thoughts when I’m drunk and lonely in the middle of the night. If it collapses I’ll just let my thoughts build up until I hurt people

Indeed Tim! I'll drink to that!

RSVP to my circus circus celebration and we could fucking do a toast and stuff. A lot of people are hesitant because they think I might be cooler than them but if you RSVP they might feel more comfortable that they won’t be the biggest fag there. Thanks, love you buddy.

I may regret this but I’m hammered right now. I take this as a personal attack. You know I can get you banned for personal attacks against me, right?

Drink and kill yourself, faggot. Die drunk and alone, you bleeding deacon cunt.

You should be addressing your terrible rotting organs you goddamn guinea brat

I love that I'm so in your head that you've resorted to calling me Anthony. You probably really believe it too. I'm literally lmao'ing.