SpaceEdge, with all due respect....has Patrick reached out to you about stopping the abuse he's getting, or are you worried about his threats having some credibility?

29  2019-04-13 by Every1ShouldBKilled

  • I understand that Patrick may have more connections and be a bit more proactive in getting things done....MAY. It still remains to be seen if he's actually bluffing, or if he even has the connections to do anything about the sub (or the money to take 300 IP's to court). It's probably unlikely. But are you worried about him being able to follow through with his threats?

    • Don't pretend you don't know who we've been talking about for the past week, when you enter a discussion like this. Faggot Jim Norton does that. If you didn't know what we were talking about this week, you wouldn't have said "Instead of getting this asshole to shutdown this subreddit just make one dedicated to him.". Don't lie.
    • Has he actually reached out to you or any member of the sub to put a stop to it, or has he actually THREATENED you? Because if it's the latter, we would actually get behind you for once.
    • I hope you're aware that the move you made will just guarantee MORE Patrick shiposting, right? Even if he did reach out to you people to beg to stop it: Handling it the way you did will just make it worse for him. We all have dozens of alt's per user, that can maneuver the ban and 3-day posting window. I would hope that you would've seen how bad of a move this could be for you.

Talk to us, for once. Don't just ban or block. We all hate Patrick; I'm sure you and the mods do too. So let's talk.


This post is kind of gay

You get more flies with honey

I’ve always wanted more flies. I’m in.

In case we get banned for posting in this thread:

r/scorch is PFG but we should only annex it under the most extreme conditions.

Here's a sneak peek of /r/scorch using the top posts of the year!

#1: Just a reminder: Feed Nana
#2: Today is SCORCH's BIRTHDAY!!!
#3: We're living in exciting times gang! | 5 comments

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So innocent. So pure. Like freshwater from Fiji.

u/patrickstomlinson is a viable backup option as well. It's a little niche.

He upped the posting window to 10 days.

Gotta compensate for his 3 inch cock somehow, right? I mean he doesn't even own a Triumph Thruster

It goes beyond just saying “Don’t be a faggot, u/SpaceEdge”. What actually happened? Patrick is a fucking nut, more of a but than the actual Cumia’s. I would absolutely see him “getting the IP’s” of the mods directly and either threatening them Elliot Roger style, or sending them a subpoena (or threat of one).

Answered above, there is no great conspiracy here.

If you weren't a retard you'd realize that makes you look even more pathetic.

Start banning all sams_seed accounts or give me the ability to do so.

And I'm dead fucking serious. Give me mod now.

Anthony shut your fucking gob and go do your dialysis treatments.

Lest I expose and embarrass you like I did your hefty brother.

Hey faggot go choke on a cock and die! LOLOLLOLOLOLOL LIKE YOUR FAGGOT FATHER

Nigger be more specific


Just some clarification from the moderators would be appreciated. We’ll make it work

The resolve of our great autistic subreddit is being tested right now. that faggot fucked with the the wrong bull.

1 Patrick never reached out to me I don’t even know why you guys are messing with him. 2 as far as I know he didn’t talk to the other mods 3 I made a decision because I and others were sick of seeing posts about him.

  1. Well I wouldn’t admit to that, because then that would give off the idea to the other users (and I’m sure the other mods) that you aren’t in touch with what happens around here, or engaged with the sub. Doesn’t a good mod make, I would say.

  2. If he talked to the other mods and threatened them, then I can logically say that we would RYDE OR DIE for y’all niggas, against Pat. We would at least be on the same side then, all of us.

  3. Again: taking that stance, all due respect, isn’t smart, because that just asks for MORE AND WORSE Pat posts. And autistics like Pat take that as a victory, and go even harder than before, which ramps up the incentive for us to bash him after the ten day window with a new alt.

Well then go pound sand. I get that you have a compulsion to power trip every 144 days, but do it elsewhere.

So you literally banned posts on this sub because you weren't in on the joke?

You're the kid in elementary school that tells the teacher when the cool kids won't explain an inside joke to him.

If you want a sub that caters to your needs, make a different one. I'm sure r/spaceedge will be booming with subscribers.

Complains about content

Generates no content

Just leave it alone. If you were as active in this sub as you pretend to be, you would know Patrick is the flavor of the week and in time he'll be forgotten. Just like Opie, and then Anthony, and then Jim, etc etc

I made a decision because I and others were sick of seeing posts about him.

yeah you and like 3 other irrelevant faggots. this sub has absolutely passed you by, you should either stop coming here if you don't like it or just shut the fuck up. you're not responsible for anything that makes this sub great, literally just head hall monitor because you were in the right place at the right time

You fuckin banned me a couple months back for a picture of Patrick holding a sign

Declaring his love for children.

You lying ugly homosexual

If you have no clue why he is being mocked, you’ve been out of the loop too long, partner. Time to hang it up. Why are you even still here besides to act a cunt?

I appreciate your honesty but you fucked up.

If you will rescind your declaration and apologize to those you wronged, I can smoothe this all over.

For the love of GOD, be the first one who stops resisting so we can get back to business as usual.

You have to realize that you're fucking up.

You want to be our mod? You gotta either face Patso's wrath or ours. Please, bud. Choose the right one.

So Patrick wrote (after a misunderstood Norm joke):

You can measure exactly how badly Norm Macdonald screwed up today by the number of white supremacist misogynists who suddenly came out as lifelong fans. — Patrick S. Tomlinson (@stealthygeek) September 12, 2018

...and people responded to him on Twitter. He promptly started calling people Nazis and Incels for disagreeing with him and just generally fed the trolls. They went through and started reporting his more violent and offensive tweets (for a liberal who preaches tolerance, he sure is open-minded about hitting women), and got his Twitter account shut down. It's been a running battle between the concerned citizens of the sub and Patrick ever since; helped along by the fact that Patrick is just the mirror image of Brother Joe, complete with what looks to be a domestic violence conviction. Oh, and all our attention being focussed on Patrick has made Joe dance around and post on the sub, desperate to get some juice back.

Now that you're in on the joke, can we have our ball back, Mister?

I don’t even know why you guys are messing with him

Have you really not entertained the answer that you have no idea what the fuck you are doing? "I dont know who he is so it must not matter" means you are narcissistic retard, not that you identified some weird anomaly in the sub.

you're an epic fagot. burn your computer and go outside, homo.

How much did he pay you?

I have to admit. No Lie.. This news made me a little bit hard. If PT shuts the doors on this little corner of hell, I will hang a photo of him, in his honor like Bill the Butcher did for Priest Vallon in “Gangs of NY”. Sworn enemies, yet respected him immensely for the fight he had in him.

I doubt you can get hard at 60 you low test faggot.

Yeah, he’ll succeed where you’ve always FAILED. BECAUSE YOU’RE A FAILURE JOE.

Stay the fuck out of this and on the way out, get me a beer.

Patrick Tomlinson wouldn’t be seen dead with you. Let that sink in for a moment.

The idea that you consider yourself and P*trick to be equals is fucking hilarious. As much of an embarassing douche as PT is, he’s still several orders of magnitude more intelligent than you’ll ever be. Case in point: as a novelist (albeit a shitty one) he knows that commas exist to separate clauses, and aren’t intended to just arbitrarily jazz up your sentences like the literary equivalent of salad croutons.

I don’t believe for a second that the guy can actually fight, but I’m pretty sure if you tried to approach him with any of your lazy reactionary boomer politics he’d drop you faster than he did his last three dieting attempts. Stay in your lane you biker-LARPing old fuck.

I agree with everything except the "reactionary" part. Whether you think the alt-right are faggots or not, reactionary politics is the exact opposite of lazy boomer politics. Joe isn't alt-right, he is a #dieforisrael republican boomer to the core.

Your idiocy will live on the internet forever, fatso.

Joe, you're obsessed with us. Get a fucking life.

Getting hard to a fat failed sci fi writer for closing a smallish subreddit down is WAY COOLER than shooting up prescription testosterone to get hard

Joe you're always on the wrong side.

Just once, join us on the side of good.

Just try it out.

We're dogpiling on a fucker who's destroying our freedom of speech. You and your I'll brother constantly claim to care about freedom of speech.

I formally invite you to join us cause against inequality. Find out what it feels like to do good for a change.

Even Joe can be redeemed if he accepts this sub into his heart. God bless, brotherman.

Some of the biggest cringe I’ve felt in the last ten years have come from reading posts from you, Joe.

What an INCREDIBLY embarrassing idiot you are. Nice job.

Answered above, there is no great conspiracy here.