"Hey SpaceEdge, it me Patty. Did you make the post? Good. No, no baby, you don't have to apologize for them. Yeah of course, I'll see you tonight honey. I love you to, babe, bye"

33  2019-04-12 by PleaseHelpRae


No "child," 4/5

He only uses child as an insult and would never dream of speaking that way about his beloved.

"Hey SpaceEdge (love the name btw) you wanna ride on my Triumph?"

"Good job, now I'll name my next book after you. Yes, it's already outlined, trust me they'll want to make a movie out of it. 'Astronaut Peter Thompson is trapped at the edge of the universe after a wormhole jump gone wrong. Now, he has the rest of his life to masturbate, but after you've come, what's the point? Why not try to last as long as you can? Join a lone, lost man on his journey to find a reason to stay alive on the fringes of the universe in...Space Edge!'"

it hurts that there's such a treasonous faggot amongst us.

"Mmm, your tongue tastes like shit, I love that."