When you try to make the O&A sub more wholesome, but everyone down votes your announcement and calls you a faggot.

30  2019-04-12 by VisiblePlan


Space Edge molested me when I was 4. So much for “wholesome”

At least you don't let it define who you are, SirSodomy.

This reminds me of that guy the cops forgot to Pat down who smuggled a gun into the police station and killed himself when the interrogation started going downhill. Real ass dude although probably a pedophile or something.

wouldnt the real ass move be to take the cop out with you?

It depends I guess. If he wronged you in some way, sure. But if ye was just doing his job and bringing you in for questioning it seems like a little much.

But if he was just doing his job and bringing you in for questioning it seems like a little much.

I know of a certain mod who was just doing his job

Befehl ist Befehl - /u/SpaceEdge

At least you don't let it define who you are, SirSodomy.