Attention: if you have been making Fatrick posts, KEEP DOING IT. That little faggot can't ban all of us without destroying his sub.

79  2019-04-12 by PleaseHelpRae

Fuck him, seriously. That idiot is not going to fuck off for months at a time and then come back here to say "you can't talk about that guy because I don't know him". Hey, stupid, maybe if you contributed to your subreddit every now and then you would know these people. Power tripping little pussy.

If you have a back up acct, use it, if he deletes your post, post it again.


Does he strike you as someone who cares about this sub? This is probably the pretext to removing it to get white knight points with a mod of r/cats

If he truly didn't care he would have abandoned it long ago like that fagola u/mitchumm

Nah these fags collect mod duties like baseball cards. He's gonna give this to a SRS mod for a shot at a bigger venue.

he's going nowhere with that post history.

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Worst case scenario, just start posting on r/scorch

that a pfg idea

I like the direction this is taking. I hope it catches on.


He already banned /u/FartyDooDooLLC for his post

Hear hear.

I'm so angry right now I just wanna cry...

That fat deer eyed miscreant has just won himself an insurrection.

lets just all behave