Opieandanthony subreddit FU thread

49  2019-04-12 by throwawawyy2

Someone bother you? BOSS, WIFE? Use this thread to tell them to BUZZ OFF!!


I’d like to give a big FUCK U to Patrick Tomlinson’s ex-wife, for taking herself off the market so quickly

My professional life is at a 9 and personal life is at a 2


The key is to do both of them mediocre.

I just wanted to give a big FU to my brother for not sending my monthly allowance yet. F-YOU!!!

There's a sub. Just sayin'.

This is the sub for old radio clips and bits, no?

Giving a big FUCK YOU to Best Buy for kicking me out for using their computers to post here. BITCH, you're lucky I have a library card.

There's too much Mexicans here

Yeah, I just wanna drop a nice big FUCK YOU to the mulatto hooker I picked up last night, that thing growing out of your navel like a boil was bad enough, but now it feels like I'm pissing broken glass. Get tested, you gross whore. FUCK YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUUU!!!

I-I would like to give a big FUCK U t-to my neighbor awlroit. F-for calling Mr. Maloonigans a mutt. He is a schnoodle.

I'd like to give a big 'fuck you' to my girlfriend. Things got pretty dark with us and now I'm sitting here brooding.

Did she mother fuck you?

FU to the nigger fuckin faggot mod

Just gonna give a FUCK YOU to my girlfriend for not letting me cum inside her. I do it anyway without telling you, you dumb bitch FUCK YOUUUU

I'm not too fond of the jews

A BIG FUCK YOU to my parents for not having the good genetics to make me 6'1.

I want to throw out a big FUCK YOU to u/TheToolMan and u/BigGreenYamo for being to cucked to stand up to their boss! FUCK YOU!!!

I just wanted to give a big FU to Patrick Tomlinson and his gimp bottom SpaceEdge. FUUUUUUCK YOU!

I want to give a big FU to Judge Marilyn Milan for awarding me damages in my contract case.

I wanna give a big FU to the Flying Jay for running out of Twinkies. I had to go to the 76 instead! F UUUUUUU!!!!!!!

Got someone you want to tell to fuck off? Call the Opie and Anthony FU line at 1-866-FULINE1!

PS after a certain date all calls will be forwarded to a Wilkes Barre basement but the phone may be off the hook, gonna need that phone cord for something......