Look @ how much shit Carl ate for lunch today.

3  2019-04-12 by daveyistheman

It's amazing how much SHIT this dude eats. Today's lunch included:

Two bottles of wine

Mozzarella sticks with dipping sauce

Baked clams

Bowl of meatballs and bread

and SIX plates of pasta plus a plate of garlic bread

Then directly afterwards, Carl drinks even more with a bbq buddy.

Notice how little nutritional value his entire lunch had. Nothing in the entire meal is fresh greens (except for a tiny bit maybe in some sauce), a RIDICULOUS amount of carbs, and a shit ton of alcohol (God forbid Carl drink some water).

Idk how this guy's body functions with this much shit in it, especially for a LUNCH! I could see maybe once a month being this gluttonous for a DINNER, maybe. But this is every single day with this guy. #ruizing.


Is he doing some kind of eating contest?

No. If you look though his twitter, you can see this is a pretty normal occurrence. However, this lunch in particular was extra big.

He probably shits 8 times a day, half of them liquid craft beer shits

I heard he went to the doctor.. turns out his blood type is Ragu.

...I'll show myself out

Jeez. I can’t drink and eat at the same time. I just feel bloated and sober.

I jad a $5 taco bell naco taco box today. Shoulda got 2 and then I'd be #ruizing

For a guy supposedly opening a new restaurant..he is usually in skanky jersey bars....

Fuck those mozzarella sticks look good though

He behaves like it was his liver and intestines that fucked his wife.

Fuck, most of looked good but Id be gassed after one plate. Must suck for the people around him, that have to see that glutton shoveling all that into his maw. While taking pictures and thinking its cute.

" Just keep the garlic bread coming."

I'm with ya. No doubt every plate he ate was absolutely delicious. But I would have been absolutely stuffed after eating those large mozzarella sticks and maybe a stuffed clam or two.

His form of suicide.

I want to remove his arteries, smash them against the wall and watch as they shatter into pieces of cholesterol.

So his big creative oeuvre is that he eats a bunch of shit? That’s all? So he’s a hack then.

Q: Why not call it #nortoning?

A: “Norton” is literally lower profile than this zilch.