Patrick S. Tomlinson is going to be on an Ancient Aliens knockoff show

20  2019-04-12 by lawntoilet


Look at the comments, it's just him responding to himself lmao

How many Twitter followers did he have again? Nice engagement, stupid.

Yes. The Science Channel is unfortunately planning to provide a very large, probably reinforced platform for our misogynistic, frequently-banned-for-violence friend. I’m astonished that, in 2019, someone with such backward views can be thrust onto an unsuspecting public. #cancelscichannel

Is he going to talk about his book Gay Bashers?

No; he'll be talking about his Fat Earth theory.

Make sure you don't call the producers and inform them of Patrick's alleged pedophilia, child grooming and links to white power organizations.

Don’t click! It’s a trap!

> They’re a heady mix of physicists, astronauts, and astronomers.


Can you imagine if Fatrick was in the same room as a group of people with above average IQ and life achievements?


This will not go well.

looks like some power hungry mod can ban you for posting about fat fuck in here.. they made an announcement about it.

Guys don't leave comments there.

Do. But only nice ones.