You ain’t the pick up his trash as part of the drug court program you are in.

63  2019-04-12 by OpieEatsBoogers


Ant will always be more of a garbage person than Artie.

Artie at least seems amused people recognize him

Get back to work, bum.

He jumped on the back of that truck like a pro.

You’re right, he’s doing his time. I should focus on juicier targets like that guy from Beetlejuice.


Spell "red.'


I could spell that for like 40 hours buddy what is you got?

I was hoping he'd toss himself in the back like James Woods in Once Upon A Time In America.

Was it confirmed that he jumped into the truck?

No, but we know he did.

Don't kid yourselves, "the man" owns that truck.

He's keeping his cash cow close.

Still more dignifying than working for Nana's basement podcast empire.

The bags in the truck are filled with rejection letters written to some writer in Wisconsin.

Good to see Artie can still get work. I'm going to guess those gigs with Levy at the firehouse aren't paying those Hoboken loft bills.

There's something ironic in Artie Lange picking up garbage.

He's smiling. That's what happens when people get away from Count Cumia.

Hope Artie makes it.

How can he wear sunglasses?

I thought this was a lookalike at first, because he seems younger, but i guess not..

He should just jump in the back with the trash and have the driver turn the compacter on

Should he have is open schnoz wounds by all that garbage?

Cigarette =cool guy....