AMA Request: the guy that fucked Pat's wife

67  2019-04-12 by SpaceCaseBassFace

I'm sure hes at work right now to put food on the table for his lovely wife and child, but if he has a second, I'd love to pick his brain about a certain obese sci fi author whose social media reach has been severely limited due to his volatile outbursts and permanent victim complex. I'd even chip in a few buckaroos to compensate the man for his time. I know you autists have already found the guy so you must know his name or better yet, have his fb profile.

I'll admit, I'm just a child, I dont know dick about the internet. But if you guys could use your cyber hacking skills and control alt delete me his contact info itd be greatly appreciated.


Imagine the stories his new wife has told him about that monster. Getting him to do an AMA would be the greatest coup this sub ever pulled.

"Who? Oh, yeah, I think I remember him. Writes those space books, right? How's he doin'?"

As much as I'd love for him to trash pat I could see him taking the high road and not divulging personal information.

While smelling his fingers.

We're all here, what do you want to know?

A guy like that doesn't have the time to dip his toe into this cesspooly little corner of the internet, no doubt he's got his own business to run, built from the ground up, then he's got to ride his brand new Harley-Davidson Electro-Glide back to his lavish yet tasteful mansion home where he's greeted by a lovely, supporting wife with bright, loving eyes and a bruised cervix, who'll cook him a delicious, healthy dinner before rubbing his shoulders and taking his massive pepsi bottle of a cock into her eager snatch right there on the dining room table.

What I'm trying to say it, I'm just too busy.


Well, I'm no Fatrick Bomlinson, but thank you.

I bet you could sell ALOT of insurance.

Maybe someday, right now my schedule's full with building models of Star Trek Wars ships and trying to get my wife to leave.

Thoughts and prayers.

I have this fb profile. He's even friends with his mom and there are pictures a'plenty.

Guys gotta be like 6'1"

I fucked Pats wife too. You can ask me anything you want

How was it?


Like a brand new mit

Bet he plays hockey every week, enjoys a nice cold beer, and even makes time to volunteer teaching Sunday school at his local church. A real man's man.

I bet his wife gives him a hummer after work every Friday

I have it on good authority he’s spending his free time these days balls deep in the love of pat’s life

I'd like to ask him "how many inches of her pussy was unused?"

Well, I'm no Fatrick Bomlinson, but thank you.