Looking for a kind of obscure clip

4  2019-04-12 by StarWarsMonopoly

Jimmy and Ant making fun of how Italians talk about food has always been one of my favorite bits. [In this clip, Opie mentions that they played "The Wise Guys" Podcast]() and that was the origin of Jimmy's "My mother's sauce" line. The only problem is that I've never been able to find that clip. I've heard Jim do the impression quite a few times but I've never heard the origin. They mention it was a Jocktober and that clip comes form 2010-ish so that narrows it down a bit.


I have no idea what you’re talking about. Who are these people? By the way, have you ever heard about fat retard Pat Tomlinson?

Jimmy Buffet? Sauce you say...... Who's Ant?