Stupid Fuck Joe fell for another internet scam. Enjoy the $40 charge on your card, you fucking idiot.

63  2019-04-12 by ButtFarts2019


Joe Delivers again.. the man is a miracle.

Joe is absolutely the dumbest person ever.

God, I just love the irony of a website that claims to test your IQ ripping off the people who sign up for it. Dumbfucks!

And it gives you a high score so you brag to your stupid friends, who think "well I'm smarter than THAT idiot" and are then motivated to go take the same test to prove it.

It's a pretty smart scam but anyone who falls for it definitely has a sub-90 IQ.

Are you calling Peggy Hill and Jimmy Wichard idiots?

I guess it’s not a totally useless service. At least we know whoever pays for it is a fucking moron.

It's like I always say, a fool and his money have an IQ of 150 at least

IQ of four

I have been awestruck by this for a little while now. how can someone possibly be this stupid. is he doing a bit now? I now have a minor autism obsession with this online IQ test thing he did.

Everyone who takes an online "IQ" test gets a score somewhere in the low 120s. It's high enough to flatter the mark and perhaps prompt them to fork over some cash to take the "personalized in-depth" test yet low enough to be believable and not immediately expose the scam. The "real test" will deliver a score a few points higher, to satisfy the customer and ideally prompt them to spend more money on subscriptions to "cognitive exercise/IQ building" sites. It's a clever, clever scam and you'd probably need an IQ of at least 130 to be able to see through it.

It’s how Vos got his IQ tested too.

130 is what 97th percentile? I'd say you need one single microscopic iota of common sense rather than that. Joe, however, has neither.

How do you know?

Because OP took one and got a good score yet is self aware enough to just accept he's a moron instead of using his results to taunt people online with. Obligatory child.

Ah, I see

On the other hand I took a real IQ test with a psychologist and scored in the top 75th percentile so I'm basically a genius but I don't like to brag.

Yeah I can't find Joe's name

Joe is the type of guy who buys a 27" monitor but his desktop resolution is set to 800x600.