Pat's wife Adrienne Divorced him in 2011

34  2019-04-12 by ElFaporino

And look at him now


It's cool, I'm sure he never thinks of her.

Especially given how.much he fucks

He does let things go

That is true, I'm sure Adrienne knows better than anybody that Podrick Torfulson takes a loss gracefully.

You're thinking of her right now aren't you, Pat. Hurts don't it.

And now you're a Pedophile. (Allegedly).

The same time that House of Representatives had a Republican majority. That’s when he cracked, children.

No, no - it's bratwurst and Milwaukee winters that caused him to swell like that.

Within 5 minutes of Googling, I found her on FB (not gonna give it out; do your own work). Honestly? She's very pretty for a woman of 36; especially one who had to endure marriage with a man-child like Fatrick.

I'd fuck her, as rough or gently as she desired.

I knew things were seriously wrong when I found the paperwork for planned parenthood left out in the open. She aborted my child, child.