Another viral thought experiment from Patrick

61  2019-04-12 by Antlovessue


A billion seconds is 30ish years stupid. This fat boob really needs to be banned from every social media platform

Thanks for calling out the inaccuracies of his thought experiment

Even if he didn't have worse math skills than bobo it still makes zero sense. The lack of common sense and life experience is why children are treated like children. Also it's not the same brain, it's not fully developed at 18. I hope a Nintendo exec says "nigger" on Twitter so he has to publicly denounce the love of his life

You're entitled to your own opinion but I for one think Patso was brave to experiment with thinking.

I literally have no idea what point he's trying to make here.

I think he wants to have sex with boys

I always thought everyone was exaggerating the pedo stuff but the only thing i can think of what he is trying to say is an 18 year old is the same as a much younger male child. Anal cavity and all. That's fucked up.

Pedo apologist. Where will it end with this guy?

Some people will do anything for press

Ewwww Pedo CREEP. No normal adult male mind even offshoots into this kind of depravity. SICK FUCK.

Anal cavity?

He's like a gay Chuck Palahniuk.

I read 2 of that guy's books and that's enough. Fight Club seemed okay until I read Choke. It was the same goddamn bullshit under a different coat of paint.

They all are but Survivor is the best written.

I hate to break it to you...

Chuck's gay Pat's a faggot

I have no clue what point he is trying to make

The far right and maybe circumcision? Weirdo

He really thinks he's smart.

567,648,000 seconds.

In his "thought experiment" - this low-IQ, fat-fuck asks you to "subtract 1 billion seconds"....

"Imagine an 18yr old, subtract 35years from his age...what do you have left? A boy still deserving to have his anus penetrated, if he so desires"

But not to decide if he wants to be aborted

So fucking children is fine if you are grooming them because they grow up eventually? Fuck it im sold

Circumcision? Why is he worried abt all the dicks of boys?

The being’s consciousness is absent, not their ability to develop one. Fucking hack.

Oh sweet summer child

Shocking. Why is this hideous monster thinking about young boys anal cavities at 3 in the morning?

touches forehead with finger

Fetch the Astroglide, child.

Good lord.

This man appears to be a monster. How can Tor remain in business with someone who posts this kind of filth?

This is fake right? You guys are yanking my chain. I know hes a fat retard but theres no way hes this fat and retarded, child.

I don't think so? It appears to be deleted but his names right there

First of all, despite the disturbing content of his "thought experiment" it's just simply fallacious by nature. There's so many problems from the start the hypotheticals he continues with aren't simply objective by nature. One could argue his "objective truths" are based in psychosexual deviancy.

This man actually needs help and this isn't a joke anymore

How many times was he pantsed in high school? Too much... or not enough?

For anyone wondering yes he did actually post that but deleted it. Sick shit.

How many young lives has this man destroyed?

I don't know. Maybe zero. Don't sue me you fat cunt.

Just despicable.

This is despicable. You might have deleted this right after you posted it, but you can't delete anything off the internet child

I don't think so? It appears to be deleted but his names right there