"And I am the bees nest, little one. I was kicked, and now I’m stinging back." - Adult Scifi Author w/ Breasts

49  2019-04-12 by crookedmile


He's such delusional weirdo

I was two timed, little one and now all I got is time.

patrick, youre a cunt. a failure-to-thrive daddy's money faggot. that yesterday's matzo sarah silverman wife of yours should be a constant reminder of your shortcomings.

Why does he talk like the sassy black lady everyone avoids at the office?

Because he's gay, child!

6 months later and not a single sting.

I am the night, child.

Swear to me, sweet duckling.

He's saying he's big enough to house all of us inside his sticky hole

So he was not in the same situation and also did not learn the right lesson. That's a double negative, Pat. Ergo, he was in the same situation and he did learn the right lesson. It's a classic logic puzzle. Brush up on your LSAT Preps, because Leonard Lake just took you to school. Game set match.

I'm allergic to bees!


Imma sting back bzzzz bzzzzz bzzzzzz

I am the bees nest, little one. I was kicked, and now I'm stinging back.

This is an unironic version of "Someone has to put his foot down, and that foot is me."

I am the one who nests.

The real Leonard Lake was a more likeable guy than Fatrick.

He's shaped like a bee's nest, I'll give him that.

And he's had a Queen inside of him

"You know - the bee's nest. Where the horse's tail sticks out of."

ewwwwwwwwwwwwww Not to mimic Jimmy - that really is the sound of the shoulder scrunching, teeth gnashing embarrassment forcefully leaving my body. How utterly douchey is this clown? Holy SHIT man get a grip on your own humiliating demeanor. Wow.

"Writing Bad" with Jessie Stinkman.

"I am the one who sucks"

Now, say my name.


You're God damn right.

Wait a minute... six months ago?? How long has Fatrick been obsessed with this sub and yet failed to make a dent?

Did you not read his massive blog post about this place?

Thats one fat retarded bee

Okay this has to be a work, right? He's really some mentally I'll conservative taking being liberal, right?

Swear to me, sweet duckling.