AHHHHHAHAHAHA! How many of you fuckers have been here for YEARS get nowhere near this much traffic? You impotent twat-waffles! LOL. You had to be schooled by your baby-boomer-aged internet clueless daddy. 147 replies and even more personal messages!! I’ma start charging you $ for my attention.

0  2019-04-12 by IntlectualHomosexual


I’ma start charging you $ for my attention.

That's fair. We know you need it.

Compound media is doing that bad huh?

Compound Media has fallen ill

Your karma is pretty pathetic though bro

Can you teach me how to play guitar?

I just came back from China with 20 Gibson's and I need to get rid of them.

I’m not sure what point you’re making with this, but please, continue.

Joe I'm sorry I'd love to tell you how much of a faggot you are and give you the attention you so desperately crave but I'm too busy shitting on a failed sci fi author. Can we put a pin in this for now?

Yeah, if only I could get hundreds of comments calling me a faggot every day, then I'd know I made it.

It's 146 messages of criticism and hate, Joe. If you're proud of it or enjoy this shit, you need help

Hahahhahahhaha I'm younger than you and have 10 years more work experience

He didn't know what indeed.com was I'm still rolling

Imagine being 65 years old and bragging about all of the attention you are getting from the cute boys in class.

Hey old man, you're bragging about not unclicking the dial button when creating a thread that sends replies to your inbox. Jesus Christ you're a retard

What’s the difference? I don’t care if I get shit sent to my inbox. It’s an easy way to see how much traffic your threads are getting. How you doin???

You have to see how many admin replies are there. Holy shit, 100’s of em!! Every report I ever sent. Answered. Every one of you I got perma-banned, every post I had the admins take down...

There’s another little button called “mark all as read”. I use that one a lot. I don’t read comments that are the same old bits. BORING.

I have a benign question. Why do you and Anthony say your last name differently? Who is butchering it?

lol how much time have you been spending here every day? be honest

What’s the difference?

Admit you're an idiot for this and take your beating, stupid

Never change.

Don't you have a daughter to raise incorrectly?


Oh yeah? Well the jerk store called...

This is epic. What a complete fool.

Boring now.

You got 3x as many replies as you sold tickets to your last "concert." Good job. Something to be proud of.

You're the saddest thing I've ever seen. If you spent half as much time getting your daughter to school on time and practicing guitar as you do reading this sub, everyone around you would be better off.


Joe, since you've revealed yourself I've done nothing but be honest with you, and try to engage in good faith arguments.

I have gotten blackout drunk, made some shitposts, passed out, and woken up 11 am the following day to see -28 comment karma and 40+ red messages. It's not a "go me I got all these people replying to me". It's a "fuck what did I say".

i delete my reddit account like every 3 months and make a new one so i can avoid having some kind of gay "reputation"

what's next "HAHAHA ONLY ONE TWITTER FOLLOWER????" you really dont get it at all do you

Shut up you old fart

Only old farts use the expression “old fart”.

Honestly Joe, you're no more of an asshole than anyone else, just the one that keeps drawing attention to himself. Quit pretending you're special


Face it, now that you engaged you're basically just another asshole here

LOL that's hilarious Joe! I bet your mom would have gotten a real kick out of these stories of you OWNING the REDDITARD TROLLS if you hadn't written her off as braindead, literally talked about her like she was dead while she was still alive and breathing and her and left her in some awful home to die miserable and alone. I'm sure it was worth living with that guilt the rest of your life so you wouldn't have to be sad while you played dress up in Applebees for 200$ every other Thursday. Yeah, you definitely showed us, you pathetic, mother abandoning leech.

Haha!! You got one thing right, she was unfortunately brain dead. Nothing there. Rosemarie has left the building. Not one single iota of personal recognition or cognitive thought.

Now that I’ve educated you as to the definition of “living in a vegetative state”, I’m sure you’ll be relieved and overjoyed to know that her husband Sal provided her with a top tier full care facility when she couldn’t do things like get dressed or eat on her own anymore. He was also her constant companion right up until her death. I’m sure you’ll be very happy with the knowledge that she was comfortable and while she still had her mind she was very active in the lives of her toddler grandchildren. I know all of this info makes you feel all warm and fuzzy, but hey, don’t shed a single tear for Mama Ro...She lived a great life with people who loved her very much, and would be flattered to know that people like you still care this much about her even after her death. God bless you Mr. Kidspit.

Of course you'd bring up how expensive it is you narcissistic fuck. What, did it cut in to your allowance when Ant had to pay for the mother you abandoned? And thanks for the well wishes, my parents will be fine because they actually raised kids with well paying jobs, careers and a concept of family and morals, and they somehow did it all without ever gogo dancing or freebasing with us!

You're like 65 and you have children. Go to them. Take them to a water park or something. Get offline you old retard.

Joe, you're not allowed to use the word "impotent". Go shoot up more testosterone, tubby

Rather than spending time with your children or your live-in gargoyle, you're encouraging people to make fun of you on a message board. Pathetic.

What the fuck is this ro-brained faggot on about now? Shouldn't you be ruining your daughters childhood or is she over at uncle ants tonight getting deep dicked? Joe no one here especially gives 2 fucks about karma or replies. Go sit in the corner till we're done with Fatrick and it will be the bovine head and nana show again.

Is a twat waffle anything like a pussy pancake? Is it a regional thing like pork roll vs. Taylor ham or are they significantly different? Asking for a friend.

Hey Joe, what’s going on brotha