As a civilian, it's refreshing to hear a pro give me insight into the hidden, mythical world of stand up comedy

13  2019-04-11 by OkaySeriouslyBro


I'd love to hear George Carlin call this guy a cunt. You know that's exactly what he would of thought of him.

How can one person be so self-unaware?

What was his dialogue like before?

It’s turgid dogshit now so I can only imagine.

"I love Tig Nataro's bravery..." Just the quality I look for when I want to laugh on a Saturday night!

"Honey, who should we see this weekend at Bonkerz?" "I don't know... who would be a brave comedian to see? Hmmm..."

That is the equivalent answer of when closeted faggots called Pam Anderson hot so they didn't look like fags, they couldn't ever mention another girl.

I remember when Opie made that point about the toothpick guy from san Francisco. it's so accurate.

Patrick Tomlinson is my North star of faggotry

There is absolutely no way he knows anything about George Carlin.

Perhaps this fat fuck should try to get out of the first round of a comedy tournament first.

When asked if he could have any artist design his cover, he chose.....the guy that designed his covers. What an uninteresting bore.

Also, the cover for Jay Posey’s Outriders is as generic as every other cover in the sci-fi section, just like Fatrick’s covers do nothing to stand out from the other books in the bargain bin.

Who’s my favourite comedian? ALF. He was funny on tv shows for the entire duration of the 80’s.

What would be the best way to incite violence against this individual?
