"Weight is not an indicator of health, and health is not an indicator of worth" - Yas Queen, slay

5  2019-04-11 by crookedmile


lays flamin hot dill pickle remix is so good tho

This particular photo, however, caused a tsunami of commenters

Hahaha. No way that wasn't intentional.

That's awesome

My uncle was overweight, ate like shit and smoked 3 packs a day and didn’t live to see 59. All of these people who say that shit are delusional, and aren’t health experts. How many 300 + lbs people live to be into their 70s let alone 80s and 90s? What you eat and how active you are (along with genetics) are clear indicators of health. What good is a person if they are too fat to contribute anything to society because they can’t get out of bed?

You're so schmarmy duuuude.

chain smoking cigarettes is also not an indicator of health or worth. nice try sweaty but take your tobacco shaming elsewhere

Being healthy and living to an old age are social constructs, Hitler.

You're so schmarmy duuuude.

chain smoking cigarettes is also not an indicator of health or worth. nice try sweaty but take your tobacco shaming elsewhere

Being healthy and living to an old age are social constructs, Hitler.