Faggot in the Middle

164  2019-04-11 by crookedmile


His last text with Opie in 2014 was "your not the boss of me now"


a boo


They Might Be Faggots

Life is unfair.

His face has more sand traps than Pebble Beach

Where we at with the Masters?

TPC Cumia Face

TPC Sue'sass

I thought the difficulty rating was too high

I seen someone call his outfit the "frankie muniz special" it killed me.



Exact same wardrobe, although Frankie Muniz has more muscle tone.

And Muniz is less of a has-been

Without the genius level iq

I almost shot vodka out of my nose when I noticed Jenkum Joe

I just assumed the kids were having a spitting contest and Joe was upset about how wasteful they were being

- "Did you have sex with that man with breasts, son?"

- "Yes, no... maybe. I don't know..."