Sam, the Beloved

271  2019-04-11 by kencat100


You should be published in all major newspapers.

He's like Ben Garrison but minus having the subtlety of a barn door. Also without his rampant anti-semitism.


I don't have the attention span to notice if it's one guy doing all the next-level stuff in this sub, or if we have a buncha legit pros in here... which is it?

That dude u/kencat100 is the one bringing the Garrison-esque, nigga-rib-hurtin’ fire the last few weeks. But he’s one of the many savants that post here.


You do fantastic work. You even motivate me to start doodling on something other than post it notes.

It's been a while since you posted your doodles. They had their own charm, wouldn't mind seeing them again. But this guy is very talented.

So lifelike

Thank you for your service.


I think if someone tweeted this to Sam he would be quite perturbed

The wrestling fans would love it.

Is it me or is jess getting hotter eacher iteration

I don't think that's supposed to be Jess, probably some WWE bitch

I don't think that's supposed to be Jess, probably some WWE bitch.


I think I saw this in todays Newyorker.

The collective humor I read on this sub amazes me daily--very funny as opposed to the Jim and Sam show which is not, I repeat, not funny.

This cannot be stated enough.

Jim and Sam show which is not, I repeat, not funny.

If you think those two are bad just imagine how pathetic the 100 guys who still listen to that trainwreck must be.

This is how I picture them:

How dare you insult children with the mental faculty to engage in organized sport by implying they would listen to Jim and Sam.

Just a whole gaggle of retards.

the only thing bonnie mcfarlane ever got right was when she said how boring J&S is

I don't remember if she said it to their faces, but she didn't pussyfoot around and allude to their show being boring while wearing a Halloween costume. She simply stated, "Jim and Sam Show is boring." It is.

Honestly, its not just an over inflated insult used because they are scumbags. Occasionally I turn it on during the morning drive for background noise, and it is just fucking unlistenable, even just as background noise. The executives have to be keeping them because there is just nothing else, and I guarantee the only way they still get guests is because they still attach Brothaman's name to the show

I occasionally listen to a YouTube clip of them on a big topic. It’s painful to listen to. Sam thinks if he speaks slowly and clearly that makes him a professional broadcaster. He is so clearly trying to be like Ron Bennington, but has zero of the skills needed to pull it off. Jim is seriously not interested in being there, and the meme of him not reading or knowing about anything is very accurate. It’s hard to believe they have jobs.

Oh hes fucking terrible. He literally adds nothing, and the jokes Jim occasionally throws out it flies so far over Sams neanderthal head it makes you cringe. Its obvious he backstabbed his way to a show because he offers NOTHIINNGG now that he has it.

This sub IS the show now.

I pity you that Sam is your muse, but these really are amazing.

What is this in reference to?

They smeared stuff on sams face and put popcorn and pretzels in his hair on some wwe thing. They use him the same way everyone while growing up used the little retarded kid that lived down the block

Wouldnt be surprised if they are trying to get a "bully" story line off the ground.

I hope it's a pitbully story and Sam dies in it

Please, dear God, let’s see his worthless legs as he climbs into a limousine that is about to explode.

This timi it wouldn't be some old prop limo. They don't watch Sam catching on

Soo basically, he's Bobo

This is my favorite one so far


Now THAT'S funny!


Because it's real.

Do you thinks Sam has seen these? If so, do you think they hurt his feelings?

Toilet bowl brush.

Your stuff is amazing. Make a patreon.

You sure love drawing titties

I like how the top of the nips are exposed. Very erotic

I'm chubbin up like Pattycakes Tomlinson over here

I really hope this stuff leads to Sam's suicide.

I can't help but notice that your renditions are none too flattering.

Please keep making these

I cant even tell if sams photoshopped anymore.

Too bad those fags at the NYT don't recognize art and nobody knows who Sam is at the Boston Globe.

You enjoy drawing beefers dont you? These are hilariously good though

Excellent as always

This timi it wouldn't be some old prop limo. They don't watch Sam catching on