Just got into an argument with my girl

27  2019-04-10 by yoko_awwnaww

it got really dark

i drank two tall cans of bud ice, and some guy texted her

you can imagine what happened next

i asked how big his cock was, and if she thought about fucking him when we fucked

she started crying and i realized i was screaming

i called her a whore, went outside and called my sponsor

he said its ok to mistakes and that made me feel better

shes inside crying right now, i just had to tell you guys whats up so i dont do anything stupid like drink another beer or worse, smoke something bad

thanks for listening guys


You didn't start looking at the knives again, did you?

I tried but I couldn't make them out because they were so dark

Sabatier really motherfucked ya


Ok but why not natty ice?

Doug Stanhope telling Jim that he's cured of alcoholism made me so happy. Whenever I'm in a bad mood I throw that clip on.

Mother whoring Irish nigger who’s man are you!

You see this knife!? I'm going to teach you to speak English with this fucking knife! Who's man are you!?

i had an epiphany last weekend where i felt bad about writing bad things (or more correctly exposing bad things) about people like Joe and Ant, Patrick or Logan on this subreddit...

I felt their (albeit deserved) pain (to whatever degree they feel it) and didn't want to contribute to it anymore.

Then i come on this sub, just read up about Norton and have to realize it's impossible to not be aggravated by these people, especially the Worm.

I can't take how this guy roles. Jim is the worst of them all, no redeeming qualities i can even jokingly refer to.

When you post here, you may feel a slight sting. That's empathy fucking with you. Fuck empathy. Empathy only hurts, it never helps.

You must be brooding in such a dark place

That nig is brooding like a pigeon

inhale Ummmmm, yeah man, that’s a tough one.

She sounds like a scumbag though.

Does she have a big clit? Meaty pussy?

Does she have a big clit? Meaty pussy?

yeah i guess, but its just not big or meaty enough you know?

it just sits there, like a lazy arby’s melt

Can she at least wear thong underwear? Can you see the lips man? Is she self-conscious about it? She shouldn’t be.

Let’s take a break I gotta piss and my egg whi...wait, hold on, who the FUCK messed up my breakfast order? Who is the fucking SCUMBAG who FUCKED UP my egg whites?

take your time man, all these are salient questions you should ask anyone who talk to

Whatever you do, DON’T mention the name of the 12 step group you’re a part of, not even by its alliterative initials. That would be the same as giving out the home addresses and SSN’s of everyone involved.

I dunno man you don't know true dark and brooding until you slug your way across the linoleum at 2am reaching for a knife because of an argument with your "chick" getting so heated. That's when I knew I had a problem.

That's dark man, are you brooding?

it feels like the devil is inside me

Nothing xanax and wine cant solve🤫

I bet you're just listening to Kiss and brooding after that. I think I can speak for everyone when I say that we've all been there.

shes dead and your trying to cover up the murder. I hope you rot in jail.

I have a great spit-on-the-floor cleanup guy PM me

That nig is brooding like a pigeon