This nigga projecting so much he should open up a movie theater.

38  2019-04-10 by donkeybongers


This is why he never asks out loud if it’s wrong to groom and sleep with underage children. So I’ve heard.

This is true. I know its true because I've heard it from reliable sourcess.

Im commenting in this thread.

Is what im doing illegal?

Criminal bastid

Thanks, Fattie Cock-ran, for that expert legal analysis.

Maybe it’s legal minds like yours that result in you paying child support for a kid that isn’t yours (2011FA000185).

Done. Sam by a knockout.

Sam would trip over his feet and go unconscious when his stupid grinning chin hit the mat and shattered

I've done worse

I’m eating a this illegal? Yes

He keeps coming here to get his daily dose of " I'm offended".

Pounding off in a public restroom. Is that illegal?

No, it's pretty hot


Unless the answer is no, Pat.

How many times does he have to post the same thing? Loser child INCEL

His parents have dinner him and that's why he never mentions them or his terrible childhood

Q: Is feeding a big fat penniless street urchin named Patrick Tomlinson illegal in 2020?

A: Yes.

Seems like anthony said that exact thing once.

Is there anything illegal about threatening a woman with violence because she disagrees with me politically?

This doesn't even make sense you fat embarrassment.

Not one original thought has come from this guy. What a bore