u/Jim-sucks-shit joins the cool kid club. How the fuck do I get on Fatrick's instagram? I've been slandering him all damn week.

42  2019-04-10 by diddlybooba


He thinks it's a breakdown. It's actually us just laughing.

It's like when Joe mentioned us on The People's Court. Pure joy. They have no idea how slow it can get here during the week, it's really wonderful.

I laughed so hard. I wanted to tell my dad about how I was called an internet terrorist on People's Court but I just couldn't find the words to explain

I’m pretty sure that’s a “projection” butter boy is losing his shit.

It's all projection. He proves to us that he obsessively follows this sub and then says we're heaving a breakdown. Okay, buddy.

With his past "anger issues" he's probably breaking his Legos and rebuilding them or having his wife taken from him again

I find it quite entertaining actually

Imagine thinking your followers would be interested in any of this.

Imagine drawing their attention to a sub full of people accurately trashing him and thinking it makes him look good.

Imagine thinking Patso has followers

What do you mean? Aren't you defending yourself from the throngs of Patrick fans constantly fighting for him? I mean I haven't yet either but I dread the day that never happens.

Imagine introducing your followers to someone calling you a fatty fat fatso fat pat fat fucking fat f____ posted this. He's fat.

His Instagram post is currently sitting at a cool 0 likes

Goodluck faggot, i'm behind 7 proxies.

I post raw

I'm actually a robot from The Deep Web

Why would be breaking down? He has nothing, he's done nothing and he is nothing. He understands that multiple people can have the same ip, right? Not that he has any. God what a fucking loser.

As well as dynamic IPs, proxies, VPNs. This plan of his is Joe-level retarded.

What's a guy gotta do to be in one of these again!

If you want any more evidence that this man is delusional, see this instagram post where he calls 27,000 people laughing at him non-stop a "mental breakdown". His next book should be about the planet he lives on.

Everyone who makes it on his insta should get a special Patrick flair next to their username

Does he realize that if he doesn’t read this sub he will never read the things we say on this sub? I mean he could just… you know… not read it. Don’t come here. Guys - I think he’s cyberstalking us! Let’s enter the discovery phase!

Remind me who had the 1,000 word rant when he got his Twitter account taken away...

He doesn’t realise that this is the bucket of pig’s blood scene from Carrie but he doesn’t have any powers, there’s not going to be any revenge, and we’re all just young faggy John Travolta laughing at him forever.

That counts as a mental breakdown?

Everybody we fuck with turns into the fucking internet police

How much time does that fat faggot spend lurking here?

I laughed so hard. I wanted to tell my dad about how I was called an internet terrorist on People's Court but I just couldn't find the words to explain