Ol' orange-for-brains momma Cumia

8  2019-04-10 by diddlybooba


"Strangers from local churches"


He can't not be a distasteful, obnoxious boor.

Such a loving way to describe your mother.

He dehumanises her like he’s putting a bag over her head to make her execution easier for him, truly shocking.

I'd be upset if someone broke into my old home and blew up my childhood teddy bear with a cherry bomb. I'm not pretending Toy Story is real and it comes to life whenever I leave the room, but I have a lot of memories associated with that little fuck.

I genuinely care more about the well-being of that teddy bear than the Cumias do about their terminally ill, terrified mother. It's an almost sociopathic lack of emotion.

Joe’s taking a lot of solace lately.

implying joe's been in the bottle? naw, he'd never get up with a raging headache he slugs booze to lessen, then angrily downvotes before drunkenly swerving off to school with his daughter

Ironic how Joe accuses a person of being afraid to pay him a personal visit. He and Ant now know they can't trust the other to hold their hand while they're clinging to life in hospice. Joe's just trying to get visitors with the ol' "coward" reverse psychology.

When somebody repeats a particular insult as pathologically as Joe does with calling people anonymous cowards, it's usually indicative of some underlying insecurity they have.

I'm liking the psychological insights this sub have been providing on these train wrecks. Keeps things interesting.

Joe, YOU have the brains of an orange and we still bother

Don't call me a coward you fake biker homo, I visited with my aunt every chance I got when she was suffering from Alzheimer's, didn't just say, "Oh, she ain't gonna remember me anyway, why bother?" You and your brother are both shameful piles of sister-raping shit.

Nana and Joe are both sssssscumbags for abandoning their lonely, confused and no doubt terrified mother like that.

Joe genuinely seems to get some enjoyment out of dehumanizing Ro like this, whereas Nana was just a straight up coward, too terrified of feeling any sort of emotion.

Well it is National Siblings Day. They like to stick together.

What a heartless ghoul -- and this is coming from another heartless ghoul so I'd know. Why are you talking to people on reddit about your late mother you sociopath?

Feral bastard.

I always want to remind people of this whenever they unironically start treating Joe like a real person and not a psychopathic scoundrel. This is the thought process he and Anthony had when they decided not to visit their mother anymore. They weren't concerned about what they could do to comfort her in her dying days of confusion and fear. It didn't even occur to them. They didn't go because there was nothing in it for them. Plain and simple.

Orange you glad your mother died alone?

Nice justification, stupid