A man whose favourite insult is 'child' gives a detailed explanation of what toy starships he enjoys playing with the most.

119  2019-04-10 by Itllbeceesh


Simple, elegant lines that maker her look like she's moving while she's standing still.

What a complete and utter faggot.

Also nothing "looks like it's moving" in space

yeah this shit's hardly even funny just depressing. you know for a fact tubby tits inserts the ships into his arsehole. weird prick

People who refer to inanimate objects as women are fucking retarded.

Also, nice sexism Patrick; why don't you refer to it as a man? Why are you assuming its pronouns? Can only "she" be sexy? For a man as opinionated and P.C. as you act, you certainly have a lot of toxic masculinity emanating from your posts.

Everything he says seems like a regurgitated mishmash of phrases he has heard before. He seems like the kind of person that would completely buy into your sales pitch if you used the word "synergy" even if you used it incorrectly.

He simply is not there.

She just bleeds speed.

Nice writing, stupid.

Whats even funnier is that he liked the "fast" looking ship when aerodynamics do not apply in space. So in theory they all could go the same speed.

It's a fucking toy, it doesn't bleed shit, except for the cum he inserted in it the night before.

She just bleeds simple

His violent rape humor is disgusting

Rumor is he told his ex-wife, "You look like a fucking bitch in heat, and if you get raped by a pack of niggers, it will be your fault."

Utterly disgusting. If true, Patrick S. Tomlinson needs many years of therapy.

He could never come up with something that elegant and direct.

True. He writes like a pre-teen girl, so he's not bright enough to speak that beautifully.

Oh boy! It warrants so many answers!

Being a "toy collector, nerd" does not make you smart, hip or cool. It makes you what you are. A nothing, nobody with severe arrested development due to family rape issues. Get in the coffin. NEXT!

Thanks for the link, but I meant NEXT as in one down, a million more nothings like our Mr. Fatrick , to go.

It’s almost sad that he believes his dogshit books are going to be movies one day

You know he is trying hard to make that happen. Would explain giving away free books at comic cons.

I get the distinct impression big pat made a bunch of reddit accounts to ask himself questions he could answer. He has no fanbase.

Well he did try to make his own standup memes. Using his corny (its whats for breakfast) jokes. And try to self promote on a standup sub. So it wouldnt be much of a stretch.

Apparently "what's for breakfast" is canned corn and peanut butter toast. He posted a pic of that meal like a teenage girl, which is hilarious. Wait... I don't want to be inaccurate, he also had some eggs and 5 leafs of uncooked baby spinach.

Why would you not cook the spinach with the eggs?

Only a retard that eats canned corn for breakfast can tell us.


Even Erock looks like a man compared to this guy.

they look pretty similar

Toys aside, The Nagel has infamously coveted seed. A man can treat himself to babyboy indulgences when women are desperate to sire his heir.

Not picking a female spaceship designer? Dude WTF

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say this guy is a world class faggot.

Nice 's stupid

his designs have been in Tron: Legacy and Oblivion, among other movies

unless your Patrick Bateman you dont talk about shit like that

His style is clean, functional, yet flowing and modern in a way that also feels timeless.

Wordy faggot really does sound like Bateman describing a Whitney Houston CD.

Total loon this guy is.

Nice very specific and unrealistic dream child.

That one sentence alone gives you a real insight into what a fairy tale world this fantasist nutbag lives in.

What normal functioning adult has a dream that autistically specific.

I hope it comes true and it's just him sitting in an empty house, alone, with an overpriced $400k concept motorcycle sitting in the living room with no furniture.

God I hate self-described nerds.

I cant stand ships, cars, or America being referred to as "she" or "her." This is some bullshit they came up with in the 1200s or whatever, why are we giving personal attributes to inanimate objects, even worse giving them female attributes, who cant be relied upon for anything. I wish we could lose this faggy paradigm.

I like the Excelsior too but I would never admit it in a place like this.

Actually the most embarrassing part of this is that he has terrible terrible taste in ship design. I mean, yeah, what a nerd. Am I right? OK I’m a loser. 😞

I bet the nx2000 excelsior is in his rectum right now

I like to build models, child.


Also nothing "looks like it's moving" in space

yeah this shit's hardly even funny just depressing. you know for a fact tubby tits inserts the ships into his arsehole. weird prick

Rumor is he told his ex-wife, "You look like a fucking bitch in heat, and if you get raped by a pack of niggers, it will be your fault."

Utterly disgusting. If true, Patrick S. Tomlinson needs many years of therapy.

People who refer to inanimate objects as women are fucking retarded.

Also, nice sexism Patrick; why don't you refer to it as a man? Why are you assuming its pronouns? Can only "she" be sexy? For a man as opinionated and P.C. as you act, you certainly have a lot of toxic masculinity emanating from your posts.

Everything he says seems like a regurgitated mishmash of phrases he has heard before. He seems like the kind of person that would completely buy into your sales pitch if you used the word "synergy" even if you used it incorrectly.