On the next episode of Two Fat Faggots Z

336  2019-04-09 by diddlybooba


Super Sayan Faggots

I didn't want to laugh at this as hard as I did.

Why didn't ya?

Because he's an alpha dog.



they transform into Clint Howard?

Louis ck sans a chromosome

Ever see 'The Ice Cream Man'?

Fucked up movie

That budget was so piss-poor, they used an actual pillow to make the “fat kid” fat. And he puts a decapitated head on a giant waffle cone. 5 bags of popcorn, 2 milkshakes

There was no point even to making him fat, aside from maybe 3 fat jokes they didn’t wanna write out of the script, and I guess to show him losing weight at the end? Still one of my favorite shitty movies my buddies and me quote like retards.

a 5 bagger?! i'll need to see it

They used a pillow for Bobby in the sopranos..

I didn’t want to bring up Kakarot, your honor

I'm just a 14 year old namekian who appreciates the stylings of Paragus and King Vegeta

Wouldn't it be great if you guys can all go attack Mr. Po's facebook page?

Fagon Ball Z

You captured their tight jeans and spilling guts perfectly

What a terrible person this would be

Radical centrist

Radical narcissist

I see them fervently applauding the efforts of Walmart and the Federal Reserve.

The worm

Fucking hilarious, but Pat needs to be fatter

Cockurot and Vagina

Incredible work.

This is making me laugh way too hard. Not even just the drawing, the entire back story of this bullshit that nobody aside from us would understand. I love this place.


Slam dunk.

I’m telling you: Logan Lynn and Patrick are gonna be the ones that get this sub shut down.

They both could use that 5 Grand pretty bad.

No they fucking won't. People have been trying to do that for 5 years and its never come close to happening. Also Pat is very fat and stupid.

don’t forget gay & retarded

Yeah I'm starting to think that aswell, Logan is making this sub his ticket to "victim" fame. He loves the attention. Tbh nobody was really talking about him anymore but he keps Trying to find any media outlet that will listen. Shitty singer, shitty loser

giggled like the fag i am, saved and i'll make a reminder post tomorrow so you remember this

The Gay Bar

I was almost sick of hearing about these two faggots. But this shit right here...

The end result is Fred from Brooklyn?

One eye looking this way and the other looking that way...

They turn into Louis CK?

I continue to be amazed by the lengths to which someone can waste their artistic talent. Brilliant.

so they become a retarded ethnically blended Louis CK?

I appreciate the comic sans

I'm 6'1", super saiyan.

Majin Boobs

Scary, as this is only their first form.