
56  2019-04-09 by Guatzelot


What a creep.

He killed his girlfriend after giving her hepatitis (allegedly).

I spot a pattern.

I spot a pattern Patton.


There, fixed it for you.

Play by the rules and your sins will be forgiven and hidden by those who can.

Fags are far more respectable than this fucking outline of a human being

just wanted to let you know i’m gonna borrow this expression & drop it in to conversation too much

You can tell that lots of his personality these days is him trying to signal how good a person he is because of the guilt.

Doesn't get enough attention for just how big of a piece of shit person he is. No wonder Lauren Holly left him before she ended up in the ground. Jim is one of the biggest phonies in Hollywood. Keep spouting off all that pseudointellectual bullshit. Anyone that doesn't have their head in the sands knows you're a dirtbag.

Who cares, he made Man on the Moon

That movie fucking blew and he was a cringeworthy pretentious retard to think that he was “channeling” Andy. He even claimed to talk to Andy’s daughter as Andy which is completely psychotic behavior. Fuck him.

That being said I still love Ace Ventura and Dumb and Dumber

I loved Jim Carrey as a kid, a shame his only relevance is taking shots at Donald Trump, as if he isn’t the easiest target in the world.

He was funny and morphed into full faggot as he got older.

Big disadvantage of not dying young, you become a faggot.

He was never funny.

In Living Color was funny at the time, Dumb and Dumber had plenty of laughs and Ace Ventura is OK.

His main problem is just him being him, a pompous asshole.

I would say Dumb and Dumber is one of the funniest movies ever.

the sequel was a straight cash grab - i completely checked out as soon as he said ‘hey harry wanna hear the second most annoying sound in the world?’

fucking hack

Didnt even watch it but I would agree

The story behind that movie is pretty crazy. It and "The Wolf of Wall Street" were financed using green-energy grant money stolen from Malaysia... makes DiCaprio look like a fuckin' douche with all of "save the planet" bullshit.


In the first part of the article, the financier calls Busta Rhymes a bitch and tells him that he owns him. To his face.

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this goddamn nip, jesus!

Come on. He was one of the funniest ever at one point. He is insufferable now though.

If you don't think Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls is one of the funniest movies ever, you're lying because you're a faggot who's afraid of the internet judging your favorite movie choices.

all of his oh-so-topical gay ass deviant drawings are hack shit but this one is heinous: https://imgur.com/ExKxMnr not just bottomfeeder virtue-signaling but you know he was so proud of himself for that dickfaced pun. also where’s that teenaged vietnam veteran imitator dyke now? what a trope she was

Where’s the pun? It’s so bad I don’t even see what the joke is supposed to be.

it was in response to louis ck making fun of the parkland kids & jim originally captioned the picture with “Louie can’t C. K?” smug cocksucker. almost singlehandedly makes me hate Liar, Liar

Yeah I don’t pay much attention to him but when I saw his painting about the Covington kids I decided he was a piece of trash and if he somehow finds work again there’s no fucking way I’ll go see his movie.

fox news apparently thinks every one of his fag paintings is worthy of a headline

That video he made directed at Emma Stone was the... Oh... Jim Carry is 100% bye bye. He went to cuckoo town years ago. Right before he killed his girlfriend.

Idk, he made me laugh a lot as a kid and he hasn't recovered since that number movie. Bruce Almighty was good. I don't mind. I'd say that's that, mattress man.

Another piece of fucking shit who uses his fan loyalty with 2 entire generations of people to brainwash them for paid off causes. People of his ilk deserve their own dedicated wing of a torture chamber.

He gave his girlfriend herpes then got her to kill herself.

Or as Patton Oswalt would call it, another good plan.