In closing. My final analysis, submitted for your (dis)approval. You’re mostly a bunch of ill equipped dummies, but read it anyway, it may help you with some self-enlightenment!

0  2019-04-09 by IntlectualHomosexual

I just can’t bother anymore. Your sewing circle will forever remain intact in relative obscurity with an unshakable agenda at front and center.

No matter what truths are spoken or who brings them to you, you’ll always have one mission borne of deep seeded envy and jealousy. In general, this sub talks nothing but shit and tries their absolute best to do damage to the people they admire and envy the most. Otherwise, why be here at all?

I’ve stated this on Twitter and FB dozens of times in the past, and the only (troll) rebuttals went something like this, “Do you think I want to be a pedo, loser, leech, ugly, untalented, going broke, pock marked, cosplaying, FAAAAAGITTT? Who drinks child spit????

No substance, only weak insults. Hrmphhh...? Maybe directing this commentary toward the principles rather than my ball washers on FB and Twitter will yield something intellectually tangible.

Even me!...So, I have a source of income for which I don’t need to work as hard for as your average Panera Bread waiter does. That’s seems to be a major problem for some of, whom I assume to be, active blue collar sub members. Why not go be jealous of some heir to a real fortune? Someone who has more given to them for doing even less?? Go ahead...Make it count kids!! You only get one life. Oh.. that’s right. They wouldn’t be a sibling of the object of your obsession. Makes all the difference in YOUR world, doesn’t it?

Then there’s Sam. He has a fairly successful radio career. All of you frustrated and failed broadcasters here (and I know there are plenty of you) have something shitty to say about him too. Jim Norton- successful comic/actor/radio show host, same old shit, all of you crappy failed aspiring comics, who can’t get a spot on an open mic in the ‘Konk are now “Jimmy haters”, why? You’ve become shamelessly envious little girls.

Then there’s my brother, more commercially popular success in a 20 year radio career than any O&A sub member can ever hope to achieve in 5 lifetimes. He makes his own rules, has no kids, he has none of the responsibilities that most of you miserable antagonists do, he plays video games whenever he wants, lives in opulence, goes wherever he wants to go and THAT is SOME OF what makes you all go on the attack daily.

You all glom onto anything that the other of you claims, believes, makes up, or concocts, as long as it makes you feel better about yourselves by making someone you envy seem so much more worse off than you are. You’re lying to yourselves and each other. This sub is nothing more than a huge lie.

Nothing but Envy...

If your concerns about social injustice were genuine. You paint yourselves an anti-racist group of concerned citizens going after a genuinely dangerous violent white Supremacist racist and exposing them for the betterment of society. When in reality you’re fucking with me because why? Im a dick? Pfft...

Sometimes you’re a group of concerned folks who are truly disgusted with statutory rape and child molestation. Bravo!! THE opieandanthony sub: THE MOST PRACTICAL PLATFORM FOR punishing Pedophiles...

WTF is wrong with You jellyfish?!?! The mutants here write posts about my 11yr old daughter getting raped on a daily basis and then you think you deserve any credibility claiming that ANTHONY is obsessed with sex and underage girls? Hypocrisy at its best!! You’re jealous of Ant. DESTROY!!

You’re retards.

Anyone that takes minimal time to analyze the psychology behind this sub and understand what’s happening here from the most neutral of perspectives would have to agree.

One thing motivates the few active members of this 27k member sub is sheer ENVY.

You’re active sub members are for the most part socially maladjusted individuals who need to fuck with people whose lifestyles they’d love to emulate, but will never be in the position to, both financially and socially. Hence the venom, hatred and anger. The rest... they’re only harmless voyeurs. They just like jacking off to the train wreck that is this sub. I can see the value in that. Everyone else should just die of mutual embarrassment.

As I’ve said in the past, you’re Piggy, Simon, Beige, Fonner and Kuhn pounding your sticks and Stones against the ground on a remote island that no one knows about except you.

Have a good life. We already have ours and you can rest assured that we’ll continue to enjoy it.

etc... BOX... blah blah blah...


Shut it.

We gave you positive karma and gold and you repay us with this whiny manifesto?

And they say millennials are entitled...

No one is reading all of that you fat dimwit

Make it longer next time, baldy.

Well at least you can enter into contracts

No effect.

See you at Big Apple Ranch bud...

oh wait, i’m not a closet cock cowboy such as yourself.

See you next time someone posts your blunders on here.

Daily posts about raping your 11 year old daughter? Now who's making up sick fantasies?

Do your own work if u want that disgusting shit joe. God knows u lick her tootbrushes

tl;dr. go away fatso

Not reading it. You already YMB'd, you couldn't last a week you weak Itali-nigger scum.

You'll be back, fatso.

Finally someone backs me up on Sam, he is funny and the hate he gets here is completely unwarranted. Go back and listen to him on o n a and tell me I'm wrong. The hate Joe and everyone else gets here is also insane. Alot of people here need to take a break from reddit and take a hard look at their lives

Sam was always awful. You're nuts. Hogging up the mic to talk about wrestling faggotry and phony staff fights. He brought nothing good to the table.


Finally someone backs me up on Sam

The person who backs you is Joe Cumia. Take a minute to let that sink in

And what's wrong with Joe? At worst hes just a goofy old man, but no matter how much hate he gets on here for saying "racist" things ( most of which aren't even half as racist as the shit on here) he still comes here and tries to make peace with you psychos. Joe is a saint.

He's the patron saint of faggots

Everything you need to know about Sam Roberts' comedic taste is contained in his not-laughing at Patrice during the up and down game. Patrice's laugh is the finest cut of steak, yet Sam will only ever eat fish fingers (e.g. prop act Jim Norton):

I hope u know no one read this. Back to ur family crack sesh u hopeless tard

I’m too busy right now to read this because I’m employed, but I have to give you credit Joe for improving your writing over the past few years. I feel like the scrutiny of this sub has conditioned you to be more clear and make less dumb gaffs. Kudos—your brother should have paid you to write his book, not those clowns Tractman and whatshisname.

Why were you reading from a script and looking vaguely scared in your video the other day? The timing of your posts are odd, often 6 - 7 am east coast time and you don't strike me as an early bird.

This is all suggestive of some limey who has picked up on Joe's request for someone to infiltrate the sub from his Jameson-and-driving video and this is their attempt to troll the sub. It could even be that Joe's being blackmailed.

To answer your question, no one comes here out of envy. This is one of the last organically funny places on the internet and you just happen to be the butt of the elaborate in-jokes because 'you' crow-barred yourself into the O&A world where a group of people with a similar dark sense of humour found each other.

Most of us are sick of Ant because he was one of the funniest guys on the planet but threw it away because of drink and a growing obsession with repeating boring right wing talking points. Jim, however, is fundamentally a hack, and this just became exposed once the real talent left the show.

Calm down, rub one out and buy another Chinese guitar.

Most of us are sick of Ant because he was one of the funniest guys on the planet but threw it away because of drink and a growing obsession with repeating boring right wing talking points

basically sums it up mate

I wonder how long you thought about writing this just to have no one read it.

Ant is clearly not a happy, fulfilled person. You'd feel sorry for him if the ways he tried to fill that bottomless pit in his psyche werent so despicable. You, on the other hand, are a fairly normal dimwit.

There’s 17 of you. See? Nothing of substance,

Hey look over there... 26,983 members jerking off to this!

That's a bit far-fetched.

Now there's 18, faggot.

16, I'm on your side dont lump me in with these psychos

Why are you being such a lonely little fatso, Joe?

Have a good life. We already have ours and you can rest assured that we’ll continue to enjoy it.

How many times are you going to declare yourself done and then continue posting? You'll likely be here all afternoon writing more manifestos to show how much you don't care.

What a dolt.

In the darkest night they tried to take The Rocket down. Positive posts about Joe Cumia led me to vacate the O+A subreddit championship that I valued so dearly. Now I am an outcast. A wanderer, searching for himself in the deepest corners of the earth. Joe Cumia, The Rocket is not dead. Look up to the rafters Joe, you’ll see a seemingly broken man. But the spirit of the Rocket lives on. It will grow Joe. It will grow. Quote The Rocket, “Nevermore”.


Ok ok ok. If all 26,983 of us spit in your mouth, will you calm done already??

Some of us have jobs and can't be here shit posting in the middle of the day...some of us.

Why are defending Sam, Joe? He hates you and Anthony.

with an unending passion. Meet Sam at a wrestling event during his down time and he has NO ISSUE with being very honest and blunt about the REAL CUMIA family legend. That would be Dawn. Let both her brothers use her young pubescent body and still turned out to look like Sandy Kane. Success is so sweet.

Keep at it. You’ll get there one day big guy. Also, that girlfriend of yours is a hideous looking shrew.

Tell your hag to get that bunion fixed. It's disgusting and a sign of inferior breeding.

This is your 87th going away post, Joe.

He's like a fucking 15 year old girl and it's honestly pathetic because he clearly getting off on the negative attention since he has little else going on in his life. There's only one way to win and the brotherman both knew and did it.

He's cosplaying The Eagles now.

This is longer than Anthony’s book

We're here to laugh at retards on the internet, why is this so hard to understand?

I'm curious to how you survive off eating only grass.

multiple stomachs.

Child spit has many essential nutrients.

Hey Joe my kids bring me lots of joy and fulfillment and I dont see them as a burden that makes me miserable. Bummer that you don't feel the same about yours. Having a job and taking pride in the fact that I can provide for them is pretty cool too 🤷‍♀️

Joe writing out screeds at 12PM on Tuesday. You fucking useless, old, fat, mom-abandoning deadbeat. It will be funny when you get Alzheimer’s and your daughter tells people you are dead 5 years before you actually die. The apple doesn’t fall far from the faggot’s ass.

The apple doesn’t fall far from the faggot’s ass.

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

I just can’t bother anymore. Your sewing circle will forever remain intact in relative obscurity with an unshakable agenda at front and center.

Fucking christ Joe. I stopped at the first two sentences because I knew exactly what this rant would be about.




This sub allows you to be everything you always wanted to be. The center of attention, the main event, the performer. But you even couldn't muster up the musical talent to write a one-hit wonder, nevermind build a stable fanbase. You learned the chords for a dozen U2 songs, lucked into some Long Island schlub who sounded like Bono (kind of hard to replace, eh?) and pretended that was stable work. Instead of taking Anthony's money, using it for studio time, writing song after song until one day you accidentally pen your "Come on Eileen" that gets you steady nostalgic work for the next 35 years. Nah fuck that, you've got Chinese guitars to buy.

You have to submit and realize this sub is not your enemy, it is your salvation. It's your greatest wish fulfilled with a monkey paw attached.

Joe needed to expand on that concept.

"Oh Dara" was the rough draft, get through "Oh Sara", "Oh Lara", "Oh Kara", "Oh Mara", "Oh Farrah", you'll finally have the songwriting skills to make a hit out of "Oh Tara".

He makes his own rules, has no kids, he has none of the responsibilities that most of you miserable antagonists do, he plays video games whenever he wants, lives in opulence, goes wherever he wants to go and THAT is SOME OF what makes you all go on the attack daily.

I have all of this at half your age. Keep telling yourself we're all just basement dwelling losers, fatso

Joe. No one is jealous. No one even actually hates you. There's members here who live on the west coast or even in other countries. Our lives are fine. You drive an average car, you live in an average neighborhood with an average lifestyle. Say what you want but you yourself aren't living your best life. You never made it as an artist even though your little brother had his own radio show, figured he could do something for you maybe push your albums get some air time. Either way. In order to attain your standard of living someone could simply get a job at Costco and they'd at least have some benefits and retirement. You on the other hand don't. In his prime your brother did shit that wouldn't really make anyone jealous. Fucking mediocre white trash girls, spending money on red neck wop shit. A Shelby? Really? Wooooow. Classy. Jim and Sam are hated. They were allowed a show cause they're probably splitting what Opie made between the two. Justify it how ever you want but don't think we're jealous. I could fuck hotter girls than Anthony if I just visit the local college. Also I play better guitar than you you fat titted old man.

I actually hate Joe.

Kuhn accomplished more than you could ever dream.

At least wen Danny left, he kept it to 4 simple sentences, not some wannabe manifesto...



God you are one fucking faggot Joe. I feel sorry for Dawn she has you 2 retards as brothers.

and lovers.

"God you are one fucking faggot Joe. I feel sorry for Dawn she has you 2 retards as brothers."

They were her first lays. She doesn't know how to quit them.

Here some enlightenment coming right back at ya!

You are thinking about, and analyzing, this subreddit more than any of us have ever bothered to.

Maybe WE are YOUR obsession?

You’re just low-hanging fruit! Stop poking your head out to moo at us, and we’ll forget about you and your stunning resemblance to a cow.

Most of us are not jealous of your brother. Before 2014, this argument would be more believable. He had it all, and lost it all. And has since become so easy to make fun of...that we do.

Don’t feel flattered Joe. This is our entertainment for now. We create it for ourselves, because none of the people this subreddit was named after are doing it for us anymore.

You’ll be back. I know it, you know it...vegetable lasagna over here knows it!

It’s almost like a compulsion for you. Like you can’t help yourself. You just keep doing it regardless of consequences. There’s a certain type of criminal that also fits that description...can’t think of what they’re called. You’re not one of them though!

As for now? Don’t let the barn door hit ya on your way out, Bessie!

It’s been fun!

Until next time! 🐮

Things that make you go, "Moo!"

All I ever wanted was for you to answer how you’d feel if a 55 year old man on twitter was sending your daughter gifts so he could fuck her the moment she turns 17.

This question has been posed so many times to you and you’ve selectively ignored it above all the other criticism on here. It’s very telling.

Answer the fucking question u/IntlectualHomosexual fatboy

I see why Joe never had the talent to make it as a performer

I still find it hilarious that Joe is so completely unaware that he thinks it's jealously. Nobody wants to trade lives with you Joe. We just love poking fun at you cuz you're dumb and don't know when to quit. You've posted manifestos about how this on your last time here about a million times now. Make up your mind

His post was about 6'1"

Someone get a child to spot in this man's mouth PRONTO

I stopped reading after "Posted by u/IntlectualHomosexual".

That always makes me smile. Your username fits you perfectly. Misspelled part reflects how, you think you're smart but you're always doing something really retarded. Homosexual part is obvious. Right, rancher?

Get a job.

"Analysis"? You're not a theoretical physicist, Joe, you're a delusional narcissist moron. I saw that comment where you were comparing yourself to Lemmy, you fat fuck. You're in a shitty band who don't even have their own songs, playing in front of double digit crowds while going on and on how much money you supposedly make. Your delusion will be your downfall, old man.

Joe is literally using a black females line of defense: "U jelus!!"

No, fatso. I just think Jim Norton is an unfunny prop comic. By your one dimensional logic, we would hate everyone with any success, when we actually worship the likes of Norm, etc. Also, most of us were fans of O&A when they were vastly more successful & now mock them while they're in relative obscurity. Wouldn't it have been the other way around by your logic? We're just jealous of anyone successful! This line of conjured defense you're using is almost exclusively reserved for women.

You typed a lot of delusional shit, just thought I'd point out that it doesn't make sense.

meh. pass.

Don’t go Joe, I’ll give you karma!

i enjoyed this, have given it an upvote

“Then theres my brother. Has no kids, no bosses, no management. HIS SHOW.”

"Sorry if I UUGHFFEEEEENDED anyone"

no one will read this wall of text you stupid boomer.

Joe, what's it like knowing that you've been the more talented, more entertaining Cumia and that Anthony has been holding you back this entire time?

Hey u/IntellectualHonosexual, it’s AntH!

Can't agree with the whole thing, but you have a far better grasp on this place than that annoying sci-fi guy.

I'm not reading that shit.

Put yourself into a woodchipper feet first you fucking welfare queen.

No effect on their lives.

Also, Joe, you're still acting like being a 50-something living in a McMansion alone playing video games all day is a lifestyle to envy? I think that says more about your life than Anthony's, but I will say I do not envy that life.

I fuck with this retard more than most from various alts over the years.

I'm not saying this to humble brag like this dickhead but I make about 70k a year before tax, I'm 31 and have a girlfriend who's pretty attractive.

I don't do it out of envy, it's a mixture of Ant being a legitimate pedophile and Joe enabling him and just finding it absolutely hilarious to see Joe's retarded over reactions like this embarrassing gay goodbye. We all know he'll be back within a few days acting like a total retard on social media. Like clockwork.

Please post all the info you have on me Joe.

this sub talks nothing but shit and tries their absolute best to do damage


to the people they admire and envy the most.


Jesus, Joe. Another soliloquy from a seething dolt? If your life was so great, you'd be enjoying it like Norton's sister or Opie's brothers.

The fact that everyone can see through you but YOU is fucking hilarious to us. That's what keeps me coming back time and again. You're like our very own Chris Chan.

Dumb fuck.

God, if only this manifesto led to your suicide. Take notes from the Bjork stalker, you flabby, malnourished pig.

I didn't read a single word of this but I just wanted to call you a fat, retarded faggot. It really does make me laugh to think about you single-finger typing this with your dopey mouth hanging open in confusion though.

Factually, You guys get zero percent correct. Voice to text. I wouldn’t waste my time double thumbing you, ya moron.


It's "deep-seated," you illiterate retard.

That wasnt long enough,please elaborate.

He's the patron saint of faggots