Jim&Sam this morning: a man who drank a few times as a teen, and has needed AA for decades as a result, says people who fall into cults are "weak-minded fucking idiots," and we shouldn't blame cult leaders.

195  2019-04-09 by BullsLawDan


Ah, so by his logic a heroin dealer isn't also to blame because he didn't point a gun to a junkie's head.

Have another swig on Norwegian cum, dickhead.

Mmmm....taste o the fjords

so a guy who sells guns at a gun store is responsible for all the bad things that happen with that gun?

horrible logic

that's retarded, a guy who sells guns illegally in some shitty alley (comparable to a heroin dealer) is to blame, not a legit gun store owner

ok thats stupid

first off who even sells illegal shit in alley’s anymore?

second, the drug companies that prescribed the legal heroin that got people out there copping street shit in the first place are way worse than the heroin dealer who is probably a junkie himself trying to cover his habit

know who i blame when gun violence happens? the person who pulled the trigger

when someone overdoses on drugs, i blame the person who willingly took the drugs

also, how do you think the heroin is getting to the the US? the us military is preventing terrorists from burning down poppy fields.

the alley was an example

the drug companies that prescribed the legal heroin..

i'll need redpilled on this, what the fuck is "legal heroin"?

regarding the rest of your post i understand the whole "the gun isn't to blame, it's the people that pull the trigger" but that wasn't the guy's original point, without heroin dealers, the junkie wouldn't even be a junkie in the first place

but he'll just use something else!

yeah maybe, maybe not, maybe the shit he becomes addicted to is a lot less lethal.

Any sort of pain killer is an opiate which is derived from the same plant as heroin making them literally the same thing you lil bitch.

Heroin is literally just a faster acting morphine.

I live near Detroit and open air drug markets late often if not always run from alleys, abandon houses or behind places of business.

thats your fault for living in a third world country

It's not about fault dummy, it's about me correcting you for talking out of your ass like a know it all..

I’m not gonna take the word of someone so stupid they can’t move out of an open drug market

I don't live in Detroit, I live near there. Like I said in my initial post..

Guns don't kill people heroin does!11

yeah but you shoot heroin, so you tell me

I've had the displeasure of driving through Detroit on a few occasions. The stereotype of a nigger on every street corner waiting to sling drugs is real there. Detroit is also racially segregated as fuck, shitty place. Great coney dogs and Detroit pizza is underrated too.


I hate the phrase, but this is total Whataboutism. "OK sure there are illegal drug dealers out there, but what about Big Pharma!?" Uh, I think both are shit, but the big pharmaceutical companies don't go on trial because they're run by -- well, you can figure that out.

whatabout you blow me

Have any heroin?

Maybe, lets talk about that in this dark alley

Absolutely, medical prostitution is the head of the snake of most addictions today.

Clearly you've never been in an alley off colfax. You can buy any illegal item u want in those alleys

Colfax near the cathedral is the only place in America I’ve been offered crack twice in the span of fifteen minutes.

I keep heroin for personal defense

Guns don't have the direct negative correlation between ownership/usage and murder that heroin does with dying of heroin, you stupid libertarian reductionist retard.

...okay I didn't mean the last part.

Guns don't have the direct negative correlation between ownership/usage and murder

really? what is a guns purpose then?

heroin’s main purpose is not to kill people. and just talking out of my ass, but im sure more people died in wars than by shooting up and listening to rolling stones.

Wars weren't caused by guns, guns were invented to gain an upper hand in combat. Which, by the way, I'd say is also useful in defending yourself if someone else has one. Heroin doesn't help you defend yourself, nor does it help you conquer an oppressor; it's intrinsically self-destructive.

it helps kill pain when your going thru surgery or a bad break up

Break ups are solved with alcohol and fucking other girls. But, surgery? What kind of third world shithole do you live in?

What kind of third world shithole do you live in?


Move to Milwaukee, then. Even registered sex offenders become sci-fi authors there


Ah the emptiest of all sex!

Obviously you are not a liberal

Ah, so by his logic a heroin dealer isn't also to blame because he didn't point a gun to a junkie's head

This but unironically.

I love drug dealers.

Seriously, they provide a valuable service to the community at large.

Yuck. I spent a year in the fellowship and it was an exercise in resisting brainwashing. I refuse to worship their 12 steps god

I love you

never change, you nut

But wait!! What you're saying means Jim's a weak-minded fucking idiot!

The worm epitomizes weak minded

Did he remind Sam and the listeners that good old Charlie Manson didn’t actually kill anyone? He loves point that out like it’s some sort of revelation.

He did.

Gee, I wonder why he can't find love or a decent acting role or friends or something to do in the evening besides pull his pud, when he's sharing such enlightened worldviews as "Charles Manson did nothing wrong."

What a predictable bore he is.

"Hello fellow 25 year old. Would you like to come back to my apartment that is staged like a kill room, tags still on the appliances and all, sit on my piss stained furniture, and watch a Dahmer documentary on Netflix?"

"I also won't cook for you, so if you're hungry your choices are sushi, food from the diner where I hit on the waitress, or the restaurant above The Comedy Cellar."

Sushi? Rice has sugar in them you scum baaaag

I agree with worm on this one

You are the only one

nah ... I'm not the only one

I agree that Jum is a weak minded idiot

sure, but he's also a rich faggot

A man bragging about another man's money is gayer than sucking cock.

a man that knows what's gayer than sucking a man's cock, has done a lot gay stuff ...

Like brag about another person's money?

I don't know these things, that's your gay area

And yet he thinks everyone was molested when they were children. No Jim - I don’t know anyone who blew their friends or allowed another boy to fuck me up the ass.

The worst I got is a friend showing his bag and calling you gay if you looked.

Pretty standard stuff really

You looked, didn’t you?

Leave it alone.

Norton put a boy's penis in his mouth. Boy pees in his mouth. Norton asks not to pee in his mouth and then goes back for more.

He probably winked when he asked him not to do it again.

And yet he thinks everyone was molested when they were children.

He wants to think everyone was, which is why he asks everyone from rock stars to politicians if they were. He desperately wants to be anything other than a victimized little worm.

He kept pressing that one intern into saying he did gay stuff as a kid because everyone did. I don't know about you guys but I never did; however, I was also not a victim of molestation acting out. We're getting pretty close to accurately building a psychological profile on this closeted homo and I'm starting to wonder if it was his dad since he never goes home for holidays.

The intern denied ever doing anything gay, then they took a break and came back and he suddenly had a story that sounded like he was making it up as they went along. Opie probably told him to make something up so that Jimmy felt more comfortable.

Not much of a profile. He's a tranny-fucking faggot

What, you don't dig piss stain stench moth ball smelling panties? I thought everyone did.


Yeah. This has been a recent claim by him. A neighbor boy pulled down Jimmys pants and tried fucking him up the ass but Jimmy was too tight for him.

I would say I hope one of his nieces or nephews fall into a sex cult, but Jim is such a sociopath that he probably wouldn't even care..

He'd want a picture with Alison Mack.

Jim sold his sold to satan as a teen. He talks about it. If u wonder why he seems impervious to getting fired thats why. Do you believe magik. Aleister crowley. Jim is in a cult.

Aren't Satanists supposed to be cool?

I know they like to play around with other mens butts and weenies.

Just like witches in black masses.

well i kind of agree with him there, fucking grown adults willingly giving money and time to these cults have nobody else but themselves to blame.

These me me me me ssscccummbaaaggssss!!

AA and Narcotics Anonymous are both cults themselves and their guiding philosophies are based on occult teachings. That little bald lesbo will shit on religion, but at least churches do actual charitable things instead of sitting around whining and having pissing contests about whose addiction is worse.

I love how this retard would try to be vague and mysterious when talking about being in AA like he was a secret agent. You had two Zimas and a Bud Light, faggot. You're not James Bond.

He really is an infuriating asshole isn’t he. Non alcoholic bitching about cults while belonging to one that caters to alcoholics. I can only imgine the amount of women he’s creeped out at those Aa meeting over the years.

His love of ozzy doesnt indicate that Jim is susceptible to charismatic figures

Not at all you strong willed not worm

Anyone else caught Jim saying something like, "What do they say to the women, how do they have this power over them?". With that tone of a jealous little boy. Should have said "why can't I make the women stay?". Then he ignored Sam/Teft/Tits telling him that the women were extorted to make them stay. Jim can't let go of the fantasy that he could keep a woman around just by talking to her.

Yep. It's the same reason he constantly belittles the fathers around him, or those in happy relationships (the Opster).

At 24, being the cool comic who hangs out by himself and fucks prostitutes is great. In your 50's, not so much.

"Why are cults illegal"? -Jim

"because they're all wrapped up in extortion" - Sam, several times.

"yeah yeah yeah I get that, but like the ones where they aren't doing illegal shit" - Jim

"that's none of them, they're all extortion based and they use extortion to hook people and never let them go" - Sam

"hmm, I wonder what like the guys SAY to make the women want to stay with them like that" - Jim, clearly not listening while thinking about non-passing past "girlfriends".

He was on his phone. Which reminds me of the brilliant passive-aggrresiveness of Opie playing Candy Crush right next to the microphone.

jim: people have to take some personal responsibility for their actions

sam: you're saying you LOVE cults, you're PRO cult *goat laugh*


is how i heard it

I don't know man, that's a tough one

Dont confuse hypocrisy with stupidity. They always accompany each other. Norton is a 360 degree asshole.

Feed Nana

You still listen to that? And pay for Serious Ecks Emm? Sounds like we got two problems here sir

its streamed live on youtube

Still wasting your time listening to those shit cunts

And also that is a violation of trademark, something I would never participate in.

I pay for SiriusXM AND Spotify, because we are fancy music fans in my house.

I thought y’all didn’t listen?

It's tough man, you can't blame conniving shysters who are aware of their innate communicative abilities and choose to use them for self enrichment and destruction of others. It's those fffffffuckin' dummies who believe lies that should be fuckin' killed.

Jim would drink the punch if it was dispensed out of a fucking dick

You know salt has sugar in it right? - Gay Soup Salesmen

I love drug dealers.

nah ... I'm not the only one

It's not about fault dummy, it's about me correcting you for talking out of your ass like a know it all..

Aren't Satanists supposed to be cool?

Just like witches in black masses.